
Sydney Harbour stories: A BridgeClimb Leader shares the best things they've seen at the top.

BridgeClimb Sydney
Thanks to our brand partner, BridgeClimb Sydney

When it comes to having one of the best jobs in the world, being a BridgeClimb Climb Leader is up there. Literally. And for Tracy, who has been leading groups across the Sydney Harbour Bridge for the last three years, it really doesn’t get much better.

The fact that “every day is something a little bit different” is one of her favourite things about being a BridgeClimb Climb Leader. Whether it be a new outlook on the stunning Sydney Harbour or the view from the top at a different time of day that she climbs, she is always facing a different perspective.

But aside from the many stunning views, Tracy also enjoys getting to know the people she’s lucky enough to lead over the bridge.

“I get to learn about them, hear their different stories, find out the different reasons why they’re climbing whether it be a birthday, a present, an anniversary or a bucket list,” she tells Mamamia. “It’s such a variety.”

BridgeClimb Sydney
High, Sydney! Image: Supplied.

The best BridgeClimb moments I've witnessed...

"I'm a big romantic so I like the engagements and weddings we have at the top. It's such a special thing. When I arrive at work and find out an engagement is going to happen on my climb, I squeal," Tracy says without hesitation.

"We did the first same-sex marriage up there just before Mardi Gras this year, that was such a special thing to be a part of. I've done a few other weddings up the top as well and it's such a unique place to do it and I think the people that want to get married or engaged at the top of the bridge are a bit sort of quirky and I sort of relate to that. I'm a big sucker for that kind of stuff at work."

The best time of day to do BridgeClimb is...

When it comes to her favourite times to climb, Tracy has two standouts to share: a Dawn Climb and a Night Climb. But the reason she likes both of them she explains, are the same, which is "it's quite peaceful up there at those times."

"Something like a Night Climb when the city is going to sleep, there's not traffic, all the lights are on and the harbour is more quiet. It's magical. It is really different at night. It's almost like watching a city go to sleep and shut down for the evening and there's something quite nice about that," Tracy shares.

"Of the same value, a Dawn Climb is like watching the city wake up. I like that when it's quiet and peaceful up there which is why Night Climbs are high up on my list of experiences."


The most vivid experience of all: Vivid Climb.

Forget the crowds, this is where you get the best view of the Opera House. Image: Supplied.

And there's never been a better time of year to consider doing a Night Climb thanks to the incredible light displays as part of Vivid, otherwise known as the Vivid Climb, available from May 25 to June 16.

"It's such a different perspective to see Vivid from up there. You get quite a good view of the lights on the Opera House from the bridge. All the ships in the harbour light up as well so when you're on the top looking down on all the boats going around, it's almost like there's all these little lights dancing around in the water. It's really pretty," Tracy explains.


"You can see Taronga [Zoo] lit up from there and see where all of the action is happening from the one spot. It's such a different experience from climbing at any other time during the year."

But if the views aren't enough and you like to move, it gets even better. There's now also a dance floor at the top of the bridge called the Sun Deck - and it lights up when the sun's gone down.

"It's like a Saturday Night Fever sort of dance floor, so it lights up and you can go in there and have a bit of a boogie," Tracy says. "A lot of people don't know we have speakers up there and have the ability to pump out music from the top because you're not going to hear it when you're down below. But from the top we play the tunes and everyone is up there dancing and having a good time. It's so unique and cool."

You should be dancing, yeah... Image: Supplied.

"We've got our flashing vests on as well and you can control the different speeds of your flashing, so we're like little lit up ants walking up the bridge. It is a fun time of year to be at work, I'll tell you that."

So if you've never done BridgeClimb before and you're thinking about it, or you've done it before and loved it so much you are looking to go at a different time, Tracy wants you to join her.

"The Sydney Harbour Bridge isn't just a big deal for Sydney, it's a world icon, a huge Heritage-listed icon, so the fact we can actually climb it is amazing. Yes, the view speaks for itself but you're also climbing this really iconic structure and it's such a different thing to do," Tracy says. "Come and have a go, it's such a unique and unusual thing to do."

The Vivid Climb is three and a half hours long, with a maximum of 14 people per group. The climb starts at 4.25pm. Minimum age is eight years old and 120cm tall. Prices are $263 weekdays for adults, $278 on weekends. $183 weekdays for kids, $198 for weekends. Book your Vivid Climb now!

Have you done BridgeClimb before? What was your favourite thing about it? Tell us in the comments section below. 

This content was created with our brand partner BridgeClimb Sydney.

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