
Samantha Wragg is selling her wedding dress to pay for her divorce from "cheating husband."

Most women look at their wedding dress and recall fond memories, the start of happy new chapter. Not Samantha Wragg.

Eighteen months after her wedding day, the 28 year old from Chesterfield in the UK discovered her husband was cheating on her. And he decided to leave Wragg for her.

She decided to put her art deco style dress up for sale on eBay – and her description has attracted a lot of attention.

“I’m selling this designer Art Deco wedding dress in ivory. Mainly selling as I need to pay for my divorce which my ex-husband has left me to foot the bill for,” she wrote.


Image: eBay/Screenshot

"As it reaches the floor, it is a little dirty around this area and so will need a dry clean before it's worn for your special day. I didn't have time to get it dry-cleaned myself before my cheating scumbag of a husband decided to call an end to our marriage."

As for the condition? Wagg described it as in "Great condition but needs dry cleaning before wearing to get rid of the stench of betrayal."

"Sorry that there are only two pictures but when I found out my husband was living with another woman, I pretty much burned/permanently deleted everything with his disgusting face on it!" she continued. (Post continues after gallery.)


"If you want a dress that is full of bad memories and shattered hopes and dreams then this is the one for you! Hope this dress brings you a lot more happiness than it brought me in the end and if not...well you can always sell it on here! If you've got any questions - either about the dress or the skank that my husband ran off with - then please feel free to contact me!"

With two days left until the auction, Wragg has received 339 inquiries and 75 bids, with the current top bid sitting at $113,034. It's well above the original $3,430 the dress cost Wragg in 2014.

But all might not quite be what it seems.

After making headlines all over the world, the 28 year old has come clean in a blog post about what exactly went on in order to "set the record straight."

While the story of a cheating husband is entirely true, the virality of the eBay listing may not be so organic.


Image: Ebay/Screenshot

"My husband cheated on me and left me. This was way back in January but I’m only just getting round to selling my wedding dress. I had my wedding dress on eBay for two weeks with barely any views so I decided with a little help from my brother (okay it was all his idea!) to make it funny," she said.


"I work in social media for my day job so in the back of my mind I was hoping it would go viral – but I never expected this! A lot of people have got the wrong end of the stick and think it’s really bitter but anyone who knows me knows I’ve got a great sense of humour and it’s very tongue in cheek."

Through the experience, she said she'd learnt an unexpected lesson.

"One thing all this has taught me is that people are SO NICE. I literally can’t count the amount of messages I’ve had on eBay from both men and women wishing me all the best with everything…oh, and a couple of marriage proposals. Sorry to everyone that I haven’t replied to but I just haven’t had time to – I have a full time job you know!" she wrote.

She says that while she's been approached to sell her story, she's not interested in discussing what happened in her marriage anymore.

"I wish my ex-husband all the best with everything. Yes, he made a terrible and really hurtful mistake but he’s got to live with that (and without me!) for the rest of his life. I forgive him and I’m very happy now so I hope he is too." she wrote.

"Oh and Celeb Big Brother producers if you’re reading this – I’m pretty sure I’ve got a space in my diary for next summer. Or maybe Ex on the Beach? Now THAT could be interesting…"

Image: Facebook/Cocobutterblog.

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