
This bride revealed the most beautiful surprise for her bridesmaid during her wedding.

If there’s one part of a wedding you’d rarely describe as “beautiful”, it’s the bouquet toss. (“Outdated”, maybe.)

Yet one photographer has caught a truly touching moment courtesy of a bride who used the ‘bouquet toss’ section of the night to show appreciation for her bridesmaid.

“Leading up to the wedding Jessica’s bridesmaid and best friend (also Jess) worked tirelessly to ensure the preparations and wedding day were perfect,” Ross Dance wrote on Instagram.

One of the most beautiful and unselfish things I’ve ever witnessed shooting weddings… Leading up to the wedding Jessica’s bridesmaid and best friend (also Jess) worked tirelessly to ensure the preparations and wedding day were perfect. To show her appreciation the bride decided to share her special day with her friend, coordinating the proposal with Jess’ boyfriend. Instead of throwing the bouquet, the bride spun around and walked over to her best friend. Everything froze as she said “Jess… turn around…” #destinationweddingphotographer #theknot #greenweddingshoes @greenweddingshoes #junebugmagazine #photobugcommunity @photobugcommunity #wedding #lookslikefilm @lookslikefilm #intimatewedding #weddingdress #bride #exploretocreate #chasinglight #togetherweroam

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“To show her appreciation the bride decided to share her special day with her friend, coordinating the proposal with Jess’ boyfriend.”

When the time came to toss her flowers, Jess the bride spun around to face her friend. As she walked towards Jess, she told her to turn around.

You can guess what happened next.

Listen: Paper wedding invites are dead, apparently…

Excuse us while we tidy up our smudged mascara…

Dance described it as one of the “most beautiful and unselfish things” he’d witnessed shooting weddings, so you know it’s something special.

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