Who knew, on falling pregnant, that the simple human act of feeding a baby would become a Catch-22 of national proportion?
The Catch-22 being that women are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.
Something that the partner of Brenton Thwaites, and person in her own right, Chloe Pacey would now likely be acutely aware of.
In an Instagram post she shared two days ago, Chloe notes that she has been told twice now, by women no less, to cover up while breastfeeding her four month old baby.
“It’s mid 2016 and I’ve been told twice from WOMEN to put it away and cover up. For who? The men? The children? Who? We should be able to get a boob out anywhere at anytime to feed our babe. We should be applauded because #breastfeeding is the best thing we can do for our babes and it’s freakin hard work,” she writes.