It is not often you see a ‘breast selfie’ that is this important.
This isn’t the usual type of selfie that gets shared on Facebook.
But this picture is one that needs to be shared – as it could save lives.
This mother-of-four from Manchester in the UK has posted a photo on Facebook of her breast just days before undergoing a mastectomy showing the tiny dimple which she found leading her to a breast cancer diagnosis.
The photo has now been shared more than 60,000 times.
42-year old Lisa Royle wrote “I never thought I would post a boob picture on Facebook, but I thought I would before it gets chopped off next week. “
“So here it is. This all that I found on my boob.
“Very subtle dimples underneath that could easily be missed when we’re all rushing round getting ready in a morning.”
The image shows a slight dimple just visible on the underside of her breast.
“So here it is….. This all that I found on my boob.”
After finding the dimple Lisa underwent a mastectomy – having the procedure just days ago.
Her husband Craig posted on the page that his wife was an inspiration. “Together we can make people aware and kick cancer’s ass. My wife is an absolute inspiration.”
He updated followers with her progress saying “Lisa is out of surgery and doing really well.”
Bit groggy from the morphine but in good spirits and should be home later this evening.
The support has blown us away so a massive thanks to you all.
Her sister, Claire Osmand wrote of how she was in awe of her sister.