real life

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's custody arrangements have taken a very strange turn.

Either Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie aren’t communicating very well or one of them isn’t quite telling the truth with regards to what is going on with their custody arrangement.

On Monday, Jolie’s camp released a statement to the Associated Press announcing that the former couple had reached a custody agreement for their six children.

Representatives for Jolie, 41, claimed the agreement was reached over a week ago and called for the couple’s six children – aged between 8-15 – to continue to have “therapeutic visits” with Pitt for the time being.

“We believe that all sides are committed to healing the family and ask for your consideration during this difficult time,” Monday’s statement said.

Of course, this would be all well and good if sources from Pitt’s camp hadn’t told People that the couple still was yet to agree on a custody arrangement.

According to People, “Sources close to the situation maintain the two have not reached any new agreement, nor have they permanently settled their differences and Pitt still plans to push for joint custody.”

So who do we believe? And why are there such conflicting stories from both sides?

In Jolie’s statement, she claimed the duo came to an agreement “over a week ago”. And Pitt? Well Pitt, 52, officially filed for joint custody last Friday. The assumption in this case might be that if Pitt was happy with the terms of last week’s apparent agreement, there would be no need to apply for joint custody days later.

So who do we believe? Image via Getty Images.

However, Jolie is firm in her desire for us to know something really went down in that family that led to the divorce. And more than that, she wants us to know it wasn't her doing.

In her statement, Jolie said that the custody arrangements had "been determined by childcare professionals to be in the children’s best interest."

It continued, "We hope now that it is clear that the events which led to the dissolution filing involved minor children and their wellbeing."

Immediately following the announcement of their divorce, news outlets reported that it was an incident on the couple's private jet that led to Jolie's filing. Although we have no details on what allegedly occurred on that plane, The Los Angeles Department of Child and Family Services is reportedly still investigating Pitt’s behaviour on the flight.

Barring his sources talking to People, Pitt is yet to publicly acknowledge Jolie's statement and the current agreement the duo have for their children. We will have to watch this space.

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