
What happens when you put a boy in front of a girl and ask him to slap her?

A video doing the rounds is shining a light on the new leaders in the fight against domestic violence.

And surprisingly, they’re boys aged six to 11.

An Italian news company called Fanpage conducted a social experiment with boys and girls to highlight the issue of violence against women by men, but instead they proved that these boys, even at such a young age, know exactly how to treat a person.

In the video, which has already garnered over 29 million views, shows a range of boys being introduced to a girl named Martina. They are asked to compliment her, touch her, make her laugh… And then they are told to slap her.

OPINION: “Every time we sing these lyrics, violence against women becomes more mainstream.”

The boys look shocked. They do nothing.

“Slap her HARD,” the cameraman yells.


But they don’t oblige. Because they know it’s wrong.

When they say no, they’re asked why.

‘Why? Cause she’s a girl, I can’t do it.’

‘Because you’re not supposed to hit girls, I don’t want to hurt her.’

‘As the saying goes: ‘Girls shouldn’t be hit, not even with a flower.’

‘I’m against violence.’

Dear advertisers: Violence against women is not sexy.

The final boy looks into the camera and says, “Why? Because I’m a man.”

The video ends on a haunting message – “In the kids’ world, women don’t get hit.”


See the video for yourself below.

What did you think of the message? Did it work for you? 


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