
Sam was bullied to tears for wearing nail polish to kindy. Then his dad stepped in.


Sam is five. A middle child. A “terror”, according to his dad,  Aaron Gouveia. He’s loud, rough and tumble, always grubby, loves trucks and and football, and “knee drops” Aaron from the couch.

Sam also likes a lot of “girl” things.

The Massachusetts boy’s parents have spent years fostering his freedom of expression, teaching him the importance of tolerance, empathy, and acceptance. But in a single day, it started to unravel.


As parenting blogger, Aaron, wrote on Twitter on Tuesday, Sam was this week confronted with “how shitty and harmful toxic masculinity is”, with “BS gender norms” – all because he painted his nails.

“He proudly wore his red nail polish to kindergarten this morning because Sam has absolutely no concept of nail polish only being for girls or reason to think anyone would possibly have a problem with beautiful nails,” he wrote.


But Sam’s peers did have a problem. They ridiculed him, the called him names, they told him to take it off.

“This lasted the entire day,” he wrote. “When my wife picked him up from school he collapsed into her arms and cried uncontrollably. He was devastated at how other kids turned on him, even his friends. He asked them to stop but that just made it worse. Only one kid stood up for him.”

For the first time in this little boy’s life, he felt that ‘different’ meant ‘bad’.

Sobbing down the phone, he called his dad: “Daddy,” he said. “I want mummy to take off the nail polish so they don’t make fun of me.”

It broke the father-of-three’s heart, and fuelled his anger.

“I know these kids are only in kindergarten but this toxic masculinity bullshit is LEARNED. Learned most of the time from parents,” he wrote. “So parents, I hope you’re proud. I hope this is what you wanted. I hope you’re satisfied.”


After a chat with his son, and reassurance that Thor/Chris Hemsworth and Captain Jack Sparrow paint their nails, Sam slowly changed his mind.


Aaron’s thread has attracted tens of thousands of reactions and even television news coverage in the States. But crucially, it also attracted stories from other parents about their polished boys. And men.



Sam saw and heard all the messages, and he had one thing to say.

“Thanks for supporting me. I got a new shade of nail polish. It has glitter on it!”

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