
News in 5: Boy saves sisters after crash; Barnaby denies he's a hypocrite; Craft beer beats wine.

1. Boy, 10, kept his sisters warm for four hours after a car crash killed his mum.

The Smith Family. GoFundMe.
The Smith Family. GoFundMe.

A 10-year-old boy showed immense bravery in keeping his sisters warm and alive for four hours after a car crash killed his mother and rendered his father unconscious.

It was around 2am on February 1, 2018, when a Toyota Tundra carrying the family-of-five home from vacation hit a post on the side of the freeway in Wyoming in the US, the Casper Star Tribune reports.

Father-of-three Samuel Smith, 31, tried to steer the truck back onto the road after the collision but it was too late. The vehicle hit a bridge guardrail and flipped over the edge of the overpass, landing top-down on the service road below.


Both adults suffered head trauma and were unconscious, leaving the three children - aged one, three, and 10 - in the back of the car without comfort or warmth. It was the middle of the night in near-freezing temperatures and help wouldn't arrive until a passerby called emergency services at 6am the following morning.

Ten-year-old Ryan managed to manoeuvre himself out of his seat, and kept his little sisters warm as they waited for help.

According to a GoFundMe page for the family, the car wasn't discovered until just before 6am.

Thirty-year-old mother Kymbrlee was pronounced dead at the scene and Samuel was flown to the University of Utah Medical Centre to receive treatment for a brain bleed and several facial fractures. The children were also taken to hospital but later released with minimal injuries.

"Sam continues to improve and is showing responsive signs," the GoFundMe page reads. "He's able to move when the nurses ask him to, lift his arm, squeeze a hand, and tried to open his eyes. His eyes and face are very swollen and he is on a breathing tube."

"Kymbrlee, a wonderful caring wife and mother, who loved the Lord, died on impact."

To donate to the family, who are asking for financial assistance in paying medical bills and funeral costs, click here.

Mamamia has reached out to the GoFundMe organiser for an update on Samuel's condition and how the children are coping, but has not yet heard back.


2. "Mum dropped me off at school and never came back." Labor MP's tearful appeal over citizenship saga.

Federal Labor MP Susan Lamb has tearfully told parliament she can't prove she renounced her dual citizenship because her mother walked out when she was six years old, AAP reports.

In an emotional explanation to parliament on Wednesday, Lamb said she was unable to obtain a crucial copy of her parents' marriage certificate - which the UK Home Office requires to complete its paperwork - because of her estrangement from her mother.


"It's a complex and a traumatic story, a story that I don't usually share," the member for the Queensland seat of Longman said.

"One day when around six years old my mum dropped me off at school and she never came back to pick me up."

Ms Lamb has tried in the past to reconnect, but says they have no relationship and that's why she can't ask her mother for a copy of the document.

Her father died 20 years ago and lawyers have told her she has no legal right to obtain the document herself.

Ms Lamb urged the government to think about the consequences of political attacks on her family and recognise her belief she took all reasonable steps to renounce citizenship and is eligible to be an MP.

3. The youngest abuse victim at the NSW circus was aged three when assaulted.


One of three young boys allegedly repeatedly raped and abused by seven people linked to a performing arts school west of Sydney was aged three at the time of the first assault, court documents say.

The accused are collectively facing 127 charges including kidnapping, aggravated sexual assault of a child and making child abuse material between 2015 and 2016.

Three women from the group - aged 26, 29 and 58 - and a 52-year-old man have pleaded not guilty to all charges and will apply for bail at Penrith Local Court next week.

Court documents seen by AAP on Wednesday reveal detectives allege the 58-year-old woman first abused two of the boys - aged three and seven - in 2015 before her co-accused became involved at a later date.

The alleged abuse of the three boys - who were all aged under eight at the time - reportedly included sadistic sex acts and "blood rituals".

The accused are related to the victims, although it's unclear how.

4. Barnaby Joyce vehemently denies he's a hypocrite, saying the end of his marriage is his "greatest failure".


Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce has hit back at the "salami slicing" of his private life after revelations he's having a baby with a former staffer.

"I can't quite fathom why basically a pregnant lady walking across the road deserves a front page," Joyce, 50, told the ABC's 7.30 last night. He was referring to a photograph of his pregnant partner, Vikki Campion, 33, on the front page of The Daily Telegraph yesterday.

"I think once we start going through this salami slicing of a private life, where does it end?"


However, gay rights campaigner Rodney Croome unloaded on the "hypocrite" Deputy Prime Minister, who had opposed legalising same-sex marriage.

"You can't put the lives of tens of thousands of your fellow citizens under the microscope and then expect to avoid scrutiny yourself," Mr Croome said.

Mr Joyce denied he was a hypocrite: "I am not going to say therefore just because I failed I'm going to completely change my views and definition."

"I'll say up front that one of the greatest failures in my life was the end of my marriage."

Rumours of the affair and pregnancy surfaced during the by-election in Mr Joyce's New England seat in October but weren't publicly confirmed.

After winning the by-election Mr Joyce told federal parliament his 24-year marriage to Natalie Joyce was over.

The couple has reportedly moved in together and the baby is due in April.

5. Justin Trudeau uses the word 'peoplekind' instead of 'mankind' and the world isn't ready for his feminism.


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has turned himself into the subject of withering global criticism on social and mainstream media after using the term "peoplekind".

The off-the-cuff remark was made last Thursday when Trudeau was fielding a rambling question from a woman in the audience at a townhall meeting in Edmonton, Alberta.

The woman, who said she was with the World Mission Society Church of God, talked about the need for more government support for religious charities and how maternal love is "the love that's going to change the future of mankind."

Trudeau, a self-proclaimed feminist, seized on the moment to interject, telling the woman, "We like to say peoplekind, not necessarily mankind. It's more inclusive."

The woman and many members of the audience cheered for Trudeau's use of the new word.

But the short clip of the exchange went viral, becoming fodder for conservative media and personalities who took the Prime Minister to task for, in the words of prominent British TV personality Piers Morgan, "the worst kind of hectoring, bully pulpit smart-ass."


Australian columnist Rita Panahi called Trudeau the "Kim Kardashian of political leaders."

Potentially more troubling for Trudeau, Fox and Friends, one of US President Donald Trump's favourite TV shows, did an entire segment on the controversy just as Trudeau prepares to leave for the US on a three-day charm offensive to drum up support for the troubled North American Free Trade Agreement.

6. In confusing news, Beyonce's father has attributed her success to her... "lighter skin".


Beyonce's father and former manager says his daughter might not have been as successful as she is if she had darker skin.

Music executive Matthew Knowles, who has penned a book about his own experiences with racism, said that black singers are more likely to enjoy success if they have a paler complexion.

The university lecturer told Ebony magazine that he noticed patterns of colourism when he joined the music industry, AAP reports.

"When it comes to black females, who are the people who get their music played on pop radio? Mariah Carey, Rihanna, the female rapper Nicki Minaj, my kids [Beyonce and Solange], and what do they all have in common?"

When the interviewer said they were all lighter skinned, he replied: "Do you think that's an accident?"

7. Hipsters rejoice: Craft beer might be healthier than wine.


Craft beer may be healthier than a glass of red wine, a new study has found.

Work by Associate Professor Mike McCullough, at California's Polytechnic State University, has found craft beer has health benefits overlooked by drinkers.

"We all know that a glass of red wine is good for you, but it turns outs a pint of craft beer is better, it has got more good things in it," Professor McCullough told AAP.

Those good things include niacin, know as vitamin B3, and brewers yeast which is fantastic for lowering bad cholesterol.

The basic premise and reason craft beer is healthier than mass produced beer is that it is less pasteurised, Prof McCullough said.

"Your instances of heart disease and your instances of type 2 diabetes decreases on an amount that's comparable, if not a little bit more, than if you are drinking red wine."

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