
There's something very important we need to tell you about Shapes.

Are you ready for a piece of utterly mind-blowing information?

There’s something you need to know about the classic, Aussie pantry staple, aka… the humble box of Shapes.

We thought we knew everything about these tasty, salty-sprinkled biscuits of geometrical goodness, but no.

Together we’ve shared them out of our lunchboxes and at BBQs, at children’s birthday parties and office morning teas, but it wasn’t until Mia Freedman posted this picture on Instagram that we noticed something that shocked us to our core.



Conducting an impromptu office poll on which Shapes flavour reigned supreme, it wasn’t until all the boxes were lined up in formation, that we, as investigative extraordinaires in training, noticed a pattern.

You see, the white shape on the front of each box directly corresponds to the shape of the Shapes.



We were, as the young people say… shook.


It was wunderkind Luca Lavigne who first spotted the correlation, before the Mamamia team were split into those who reached peak enlightenment, and those who had lost complete faith in their fellow co-workers (sit down Mary-Beth, sit down).

“Holy s**t,” said Keryn.

“OMG,” went Lize.

“Is this a thing people know though??” asked Zara, to which we say… no? Probably not?

You’re welcome Australia, you’re welcome.

PS. Apologies in advance for the many fuming readers who undoubtedly feel let down by our office Shapes census. Pizza is obviously the best flavour, followed by Barbecue, Nacho Cheese and Chicken Crimpy.

Join in the conversation, because we need to know. Did you know about this mind-blowing discovery that just hit the Mamamia office and, in order of preference, what are your favourite Shape flavours? Tell us in a comment, this is very important.

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