
A boss was sent revenge porn of one of their employees. Their response was perfect.

A hero boss has stood up for an employee who was the victim of a horrifying revenge porn campaign executed by his ex-boyfriend.

An Australian man, known only as ‘Mr A’ in the piece, had nude images and home-made porn uploaded to Facebook in an act of revenge by his ex-lover.

“The phone started going nuts. My friends were calling and asking if I was aware about what was going on,” Mr A told

boss reaction revenge porn
“Their response was amazingly good, you couldn’t want for better." Image via iStock.

Mr A's ex then sent more explicit images to his mother and family, all the while tagging his friends, clients and work colleagues in the Facebook posts.

When Mr A agreed to see his ex in person in the hope of persuading him to remove the images, he claims the man became violent and fractured Mr A's eye socket.

While Mr A was in the emergency room, the ex then sent videos and images to his boss. But it turns out his boss' reaction to the ordeal proved to be the perfect silver lining.

Mr A's work, and boss, were amazingly supportive, replying: "This says nothing about Mr A and everything about you."

His colleagues received counselling and Mr A retained his job.

“Their response was amazingly good, you couldn’t want for better,” Mr A said.

Bravo, boss. Bravo.

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