
Things only women born in the '60s and '70s will understand.

If you’re a child of the 60s or the 70s, it does feel like the world was a more gentle and and simple place back when we were growing up.

One where we sat down and drank TAB around the formica dining tables and then settled down to watch Countdown on a Sunday night. It was also full of objects that are now pretty much extinct.  Join us for a happy wander down memory lane and see how many of these things you remember….

1. All of your “contacts” were kept in here

2. At one point, this was all you wanted for Christmas

3. This, or a variation of this, adorned your bedroom wall 

4. Your lounge room had a display cabinet just like this one (for the good china)

5. Your family ate dinner here:

6. You weren’t happy unless you went home from the fair with one of these

7. You can recite Mrs Marsh and the Colgate commercials


8. Your phone was a rotary dial model attached to wall (and if you wanted to call long distance, you had to wait until after 7pm when it was cheaper)

9. ‘Avon Calling!’ was a familiar sound at your front door. And it was welcome!

10. You ordered a blue heaven ice-cream off this guy

11. Your Mum seemed a little too fond of these...

12. You made one of these as a kid

13. It was no big deal to ride in the back of the station wagon and NOT wear a seatbelt

14. You had one of these in your kitchen (you probably still do)

15. And your Mum let you lick these if you were good

16. Your haircut was inspired by these ladies


17. You often drank this: 

18. The only way to put your car window down was to use one of these babies


19. You snuck someone in your boot to go here:

20. You know what these things were used for:

21. Every afternoon you came home from school and watched this blended family

22. There is pictorial evidence of you looking like this:

23. Milk was delivered to your door, in glass bottles

24. You learnt some really cool tricks from these guys. 

25. You didn’t just have a record player, you had a whole sound system complete with MASSIVE speakers

26. Your Mum made all your “special” clothes from one of these: 

27. Your Lounge room looked something like this

28. A house wasn’t a home if you didn’t have one of these on the wall

29. You spent hours in front of the TV watching Romper Room, waiting for your name to be called

30. This was the only kind of bike you’d be seen dead on

31. This was the only way to borrow books from the library

32. If you didn’t have one of these, you desperately wanted one 

33. Your family owned one of these:

34. You always argued about who got to pull this

35. This was your favourite toy at one stage 

36. If you turned on your TV after midnight, this is what you saw:

37. You used these to put your hair up in pigtails (or your Mum did)

38. You spent hours trying master this

39. You spent your Sunday nights watching this 

40. You were in love with at least one of these people (Let’s face it, it was Potsie) 

Anything we missed? Let us know below. 

Tags: aging
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