Hello there.
My name is Natalia, and I’m a rectangle.
Or perhaps I’m not. Maybe I’m an hourglass. Or a triangle. Or an – wait for it – inverted triangle.
Or maybe I should just stop guessing because, according to a new survey out of the UK, I’m probably wildly in denial about my own body shape and would get it completely wrong anyway.
The study, done by a shopping website, found that nine in ten women didn’t know their body shape. What’s more – many of these poor, deluded women believed that they were of a Scarlett Johansson-esque, hourglass kind of shape… when in reality they were just rectangles.
That’s right. Rectangles. It’s the newest body shape to have been identified by whoever it is that comes up with new body types. (Whoever that person is? They should find something else to do with their time. Or at least come up with better names for body types. I would like to be a “mermaid” body type. That would be way cooler.)
Apparently, 63 per cent of the women surveyed were rectangles. This means – according to the UK press- that they have “bust, hips and shoulders of the same width. They also have no waist to speak of.”
How embarrassing for you. If you are a rectangle, you should probably just pack up and go home right now. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. And take Kim Catrall and Nicole Kidman with you – apparently they are also rectangles and therefore no longer worthy of any more red carpets.
This also from the UK:
“Just 38 per cent of 18- to 35-year-olds had the rectangular proportions but 80 per cent of those aged 56-plus met the criteria. Similarly, 30 per cent of young women had an hourglass shape, but the figure fell to 4 per cent in older women.”