I went to my annual check-up with my midwife, and sat anxiously through my appointment. Over the past few weeks I had noticed my body changing. First I thought I was bloating, then the bloating didn’t go away. I changed my diet, took away bread and sugar, and started questioning every food choice I made. Still, my usually flat stomach poked out in a way that I had only known when I was pregnant. Even though I knew it was impossible, I took two pregnancy tests. They were both negative.
I was hardly able to contain myself when my midwife came to the end of her exam and asked if I had any concerns. I blurted out that I had developed a pot-belly, seemingly out of nowhere, and I wanted to know if something was amiss. I hadn’t had my period since my son was born over a year ago. I suggested maybe something was terribly wrong with me.
She told me it was totally unrelated. My exam was perfectly normal and my extended breastfeeding was the reason for my still missing periods. She looked me up and down and seemed surprised that I was worried about my stomach, but she was kind and took my concerns seriously. It wasn’t noticeable to someone who has only seen me pregnant, but I knew my body. It looked and felt off.
She checked my abdomen and went to get a second opinion. She thought I might have a hernia.
My first thought? Thank god.
I didn’t care that it might require surgery or that it could be a potentially dangerous situation. I was more relieved that I had an “excuse” for my body changing than I was worried about having a possibly serious medical problem. I immediately texted my husband “might have a hernia, not just getting fat.” I needed an outside force to blame for my rounded stomach, and for a moment I had it.