
The death of a woman found near a boat ramp on the NSW Central Coast is being treated as suspicious, & more in News in 5.

With AAP.

1. The death of a woman found near a boat ramp on the NSW Central Coast is being treated as suspicious.

On Tuesday morning, a woman’s body was found by local fisherman on New South Wales’ Central Coast.

Police are treating her death as suspicious, establishing a crime scene 50 metres north of the Terrigal Haven boat ramp.

The woman is yet to be formally identified but on Wednesday media reports named her as 56-year-old Devora Howard.

It is understood her body had visible marks around her neck.

Ms Howard’s Doberman dog alerted a personal trainer in a nearby park that something was wrong and he contacted authorities.

body found terrigal
Ms Howard's Doberman dog alerted a personal trainer in a nearby park. Image: Facebook.

According to the Today Show, she was dressed in white jeans and a bra, and her bumbag was lying on the beach. Police are waiting for the autopsy results to determine her cause of death.

A report will be prepared for the Coroner and police have appealed for anyone with information to come forward.

The woman's death comes three days after the body of 29-year-old Danielle Easey was found in in a creek outside Newcastle.

2. Sydney man charged after allegedly posing as TV executive to lure teenage girl.


A Sydney man has been charged after he allegedly posed as a television executive and made promises of fame to a teenage girl before harassing her family when they became suspicious.

Gerard Cecil Vamadevan, 50, struck up a conversation with the 17-year-old girl at a Cronulla shop in late March, telling her he was a TV executive who was able to get her an acting role, NSW Police said in a statement on Tuesday.

Vamadevan allegedly contacted the girl later that day but became aggressive when she suggested she would bring her parents to any potential meeting.

The 17-year-old's brother and father then contacted the man and demanded he stop contacting her, detectives allege.

Police say in the three days after meeting the teenager the 50-year-old left more than 300 threatening phone messages for the teenager's father and brother.

Vamadevan on Monday was charged with using a carriage service to menace, harass or offend.

He was refused bail when his case was briefly mentioned in Sutherland Local Court on Tuesday. He's next due to face the same court on September 17.

3. Peter Dutton claims Tamil family "dragged" their two young children through court appeals.


A Tamil couple has unfairly dragged their two young children through drawn-out court appeals in an ill-fated bid to stay in Australia, Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton says.

Mr Dutton has rounded on the couple, saying the reason they've been in Australia for so long is because they have refused to accept rulings that they are not genuine refugees.

He said "excessive" appeals had kept them here and now they were complaining about having to leave the life they established in the Queensland town of Biloela.

"People have the ability to appeal. That's their legal right," Mr Dutton told reporters on Tuesday.

"But you can't appeal, refuse the umpire's decision and then delay and delay and delay through subsequent appeal processes and then say it is unfair that you have been here so long and therefore you have established those connections to the community.


"It doesn't cut both ways."

He said Priya and Nadesalingam's Australian-born children Kopika, 4, and Tharunicaa, 2, had been put in an unfair situation.

"I think it is unfair to the children in this case where the parents were given a very definite decision that they weren't going to stay here in Australia many years ago and the kids have been drawn through - or dragged through - that process in the subsequent years."

The family remains detained on Christmas Island before a court hearing on Wednesday to test the youngest child's case for Australia's protection.

A succession of courts, including the High Court, have found the parents and the oldest child are not refugees and do not qualify for Australia's protection.

Mr Dutton would not say how quickly the family would be deported to Sri Lanka, if they lost the court battle.

The home affairs minister has also come out swinging against Labor after senior opposition figures suggested the prime minister's refusal to intervene in the case was incompatible with his Christian beliefs.

Labor frontbencher Joel Fitzgibbon has said the Morrison government's stance is "not particularly Christian".

And home affairs spokeswoman Kristina Keneally said Scott Morrison should explain his position through the lens of his religious beliefs.


"I'm calling on him to reflect upon the parable of the Good Samaritan, which invited us as Christians to take care of the stranger in our land," the Catholic Labor senator told the ABC on Tuesday.

The government has warned of a return to the dark days of mass drownings at sea if it makes an exception for a family deemed ineligible of protection.

They say people smugglers will kick their trade back into high gear if there's a perception Australia is showing leniency towards illegal boat arrivals like Priya and Nades.

Nades has said his links to Tamil Tigers insurgents who battled Sri Lanka's government during the country's civil war mean he's in danger of persecution if he goes home.

But Mr Dutton says he travelled back to Sri Lanka on a number of occasions and he had been unable to convince a succession of courts that he would be in danger.

Nades and Priya came separately to Australia illegally by boat after the war ended. They met here and had two children before settling in Biloela.

The town has waged a spirited campaign to get the family back since they were put in immigration detention last year.

Since then the family's plight has gained national attention, with a series of supporting rallies staged in capital cities on the weekend.

4. Convicted paedophiles could face life behind bars under new laws.


Child sex offenders could face life behind bars under laws to be re-introduced to federal parliament next week.

Predators who commit serious crimes against children could also face mandatory minimum sentences, while repeat offenders would find it much harder to get bail.

Several new offences would also be created, targeting those who administer websites that distribute child sex abuse material.

The vast majority of child sex offences are state crimes, so the proposed shake-up of Commonwealth laws is largely aimed at pedophiles who offend online or overseas.


Attorney-General Christian Porter is furious about the leniency of penalties handed to pedophiles.

"It simply beggars belief that nearly a third of all child sex offenders who were sentenced last year were not required to spend a single day behind bars," Mr Porter said on Tuesday.

"And when jail terms were handed out, the average length of time that offenders spent in custody was just 18 months."

The coalition tried to pass similar legislation in 2017, but it was knocked back after Labor baulked at the inflexible nature of the mandatory sanctions included in the bill.

The federal opposition argued juries would be less likely to convict if they knew judges had no discretion on sentencing.

Labor generally opposes minimum mandatory terms, but has made some exceptions at both state and federal levels.

Mr Porter is urging the opposition to reconsider its stance.

"If ever there was a policy that needed Labor to rethink their position, this surely must be it."

Labor does appear open to reconsidering the bill.

"Every child must be kept safe," shadow attorney-general Mark Dreyfus told AAP.

"Labor strongly supports keeping children safe and holding these horrendous individuals to account."

The Australian Federal Police received 18,000 reports of child exploitation last year, which was almost double the number of complaints made the previous year.


Mr Dutton wants to get the bill through parliament as quickly as possible.

"It's not a silver bullet, but it sends a clear message of deterrence," he said.

"We need to be realistic about the threat and we need to lock up those people that are doing the wrong thing."

The proposed penalties will not apply to people aged under 18.

The legislation will be introduced to parliament next Wednesday.

5. Measles case discovered on New Zealand to Sydney flight.


Australia may be dragged into New Zealand's measles outbreak after an infected Kiwi flew between the countries last month.

The New Zealander, who has been quarantined but not hospitalised with the disease, flew from Auckland to Sydney and back.

It was only on their return that they realised they had contracted the virus.

It can take sufferers up to a fortnight to experience symptoms from the highly contagious disease.

New Zealand Health authorities have made the person's flight details public so other travellers can check for their own symptoms.

The person left Auckland for Sydney on Air New Zealand flight NZ711 on at 8pm on August 23, returning on flight NZ108 at 7:50pm on August 25.

Public health officials have urged anyone on those flights - or in airport terminals around the time - to be vigilant for symptoms including a fever, runny nose, cough or sore red eyes.

The total number of Kiwis to have contracted measles this year swelled to 975 on Tuesday, with 812 from the Auckland region.

It is the most severe outbreak of the preventable disease in New Zealand this century.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has implored families to ensure their children are vaccinated against the disease.

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