
Seven women share the times their bodily functions got the better of them.


Women are human beings, and like all human beings we have bodily functions — and they often occur at the very moment we could do without them.

Work presentations? Tick. Fancy first dates? Naturally. Busy public spaces? You betcha.

The call of nature isn’t bound by the etiquette rules of polite society, so there’s usually no telling when that burp/fart/menstrual blood leakage/all of the above will announce itself.

These little, ah, eruptions might feel utterly mortifying at the time, but they happen to all of us, and will probably continue to happen. That’s just real life.

With this in mind, the best thing we can do is laugh. Because what would life be without awkwardly-timed farts and throwing up in inappropriate places?

In the interest of #Realspo, is anyone willing to share their own stories?

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