
When the world has an opinion about your toddler's hair...

Beyonce’s got everyone talking again. But this time? It’s about how she styles her toddler’s hair.

It’s just a normal day in celebrity parent land, where no topic is off limit to the public and strangers everywhere have an expert opinion on how you’re handling everything.

But today’s topic of choice is strange even by those standards, with people arguing over how poorly Beyonce and Jay Z are managing their toddler Blue Ivy’s HAIR.

In fact, one New York-based women named Jasmine Tolliver is so impassioned about the two-year-old’s ‘fro that she has started a petition. And overnight, it’s already fast doing the rounds.

In her plea asking others to join her in her quest to help Blue’s hair, Tolliver writes:

 “As a woman who understands the importance of hair care. It’s disturbing to watch a child suffering from the lack of hair moisture. The parents of Blue Ivy. Sean Carter A.K.A Jay-Z and Beyoncé has failed at numerous attempts of doing Blue Ivy Hair. This matter has escalated to the child developing matted dreads and lint balls. Please let’s get the word out to properly care for Blue Ivy hair.”

The petition has since racked up nearly 4000 signatures from those no longer able to stand by while Blue’s locks go undernourished. And these outraged individuals are certainly not holding back on their opinions.

Cassie Lee writes, “I hate when a mother looks like a million dollars with their hair all done and the child looks like they haven’t seen a comb since they were born.”

Another named Ebony Holder even wrote, “She is going to be teased and bullied when she becomes a teenager. PLEASE COMB HER HAIR”.

Others believe children should reflect their parents image, stating: “Beyonce spends thousands on her hair but kids’ hair products are $4-$5. The child should be a reflection but in her case she is not”.

No word yet on whether Beyonce and Jay Z have received the memo yet, but we’re going to go ahead and assume they’re not so pleased the world has an opinion on their toddler’s hair.

We personally think Blue’s adorable as she is. Plus, it seems ridiculoulsy mean-spirited to make judgements about a two-year-old’s hair- whoever their parents are.

What do you think?

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