
Block stars Dea and Darren have wrongfully demolished a heritage house.


Last season’s winners of The Block, Dea and Darren, have landed themselves in hot water after demolishing a heritage-protected house in Kew, an affluent suburb in Melbourne’s east.

A spokesman from the City of Boroondara Council said that immediate action was taken and an investigation launched after a bulldozer mowed through the historic early-20th-century property just weeks ago. Once learning of the investigation, the Jollys applied for retrospective approval.

Image via Instagram.

The Jollys bought the house in the middle of the year, obtaining a partial demolition permit in July that required the house’s front facade and roofline to be preserved. Despite this, Fairfax Media reports that the house and its extensive gardens have been completely demolished and cleared.

According to the publication, neighbours are furious about the couple’s disregard of the heritage listing, fearing that if the heritage restrictions are ignored it could subsequently reduce the value of other houses in the street.

In a letter to Fairfax Media, Mr Jolly explained his reasons for the unapproved demolition.

“I decided to take down the remaining parts of the house because it was too unstable and unsafe to stay there. As we have seen over the last couple of days how strong the wind has been and to leave the remaining house in the condition it was would have been extremely dangerous to myself and my neighbours.”

“As the builder for this build I’m obliged to warrant this house for years to come for the lucky people who buy it from us, and after seeing how bad the condition of the house was in I wouldn’t have slept at night knowing what was left there was unsatisfactory and I couldn’t build the house structurally sound.”

Image via Instagram.

The couple, who won close to $1 million in their last season of The Block, have expressed their intention to build an exact replica of the house’s original facade, and say they will be reusing the roofing tiles, bricks and windows they collected when tearing down the property.

Do you think Dea and Darren should cop a fine from the council?

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