Once upon a time, I was in an emotionally abusive relationship. And I didn’t even realise it. It was before the term even existed; back when our understanding of domestic abuse meant bruises or broken bones.
All I knew was that I felt desperately unhappy, horribly insecure, and painfully isolated. My self esteem was somewhere south of the gutter. I cried a lot. And yet I thought I was in love. But what a twisted, toxic, destructive love it was.
Eventually I found the strength to walk away and with every step my confidence increased and the mysterious hold he’d had over me became harder to fathom. How had I let myself sink to that point? Why did I let someone treat me so badly? On paper, I had the power in the relationship. I was financially independent, had a strong support network, a great job. I considered myself intelligent, street smart, confident. Yet still I stayed with a total jerk, tethered to him by chains that existed only in my mind.
There was no law that could have protected me from that relationship. The line between shitty behaviour and criminal behaviour was never crossed or even defined. I had to get to the point where I realised that I had the power to walk away [update: for those asking, I wrote extensively about my emotionally abusive relationship with ‘Charlie’ in my book: Mamamia, a memoir of magazines, mistakes and motherhood – which you can buy online here. or download as an ebook here]
And so it is with trolls.