
The Bachelor finally speaks...and he's not the only one.



Disappointed Bachie




After cancelling all post-finale interviews last week, Channel Ten have finally released a statement from The Bachelor’s Blake, who broke up with contestant, Sam, a few weeks after proposing to her on national tv.

In the statement, which was provided exclusively to news.com.au, Blake explains how his feelings for Sam just…went away:

“Sadly, Sam and I have parted ways,” he said. “I have so much love, care and respect for her but unfortunately the relationship hasn’t worked.”

And as for Blake, well, he’s very disappointed: “As with any break up it’s not only heartbreaking but incredibly disappointing.”

But they’ll still have wonderful memories of getting engaged then being dumped : “We have been through an unforgettable experience together which I’ll always cherish.”

Blake’s statement comes ahead of an interview that he has recorded for The Project, which will air on Monday night.

Runner up in the race for Blake’s love, Lisa Hyde has taken to social media to throw her support behind Sam, telling the world that it’s “Sisters before Misters” between the two of them now.

Posting a pic of herself and Sam, she wrote, “Well I guess we went in looking for something else but I couldn’t be happier with the friendship I have gained! They say everything happens for a reason and I feel so blessed to have met you @fro01 Sisters before Misters”.

Besties before testes! Sing it, Lisa!



Uteruses before duderuses!


Anna Heinrich has also opened up about this week’s events, saying that she was concerned that Bachelor relationships are set up to fail if the Bachelor is under too much pressure from the show to propose.

Anna spoke to The Daily Telegraph about the shock that she and some of her fellow contestants felt at watching Bachelor Blake propose to Sam on Thursday’s night’s finale.

Tim and Anna

She said that her partner, last year’s Bachelor, Tim Robards, laid down the law to Channel Ten when it came to proposing:

“Before filming even started the producers said to Tim that if he wanted to propose at the end that would be great. They told him that they would love that to happen,” she said. “But he refused straight away.”

And she’s glad he didn’t propose because she might not have said yes.

“I wouldn’t have wanted Tim to propose then,” she told the Tele. “I would have wanted us to get to know each other in the way that we have.”

Apparently, Channel Ten didn’t push the issue with Tim, but given that almost all the US series of the Bachelor have culminated in a proposal, perhaps Blake felt the pressure to pop the question publicly.

With a sad outcome for everyone involved.


In other news, Osher Gunsberg makes his own podcasts, which are fun, interesting and you can listen to them while picturing his excellent Bachie hair. Check them out here.


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