
When Blake was proposing to Sam, Louise already knew he loved her.

They tried to keep it secret.

They failed.

Blake Garvey and his second-runner-up-now-girlfriend Louise Pillidge told the world everything about their forever love in an interview with The Project’s Carrie Bickmore tonight.


And because we know you’ve been waiting all day for this moment, we’ll just cut to the chase.

On whether Bachelor Blake would tell Carrie Bickmore real story tonight:

Blake: “I’m going to give you as much as I can and I’ve always tried to. At least fortunately this time I won’t be hand tied.”

Blake: “I’ve been requested by Sam not to mention anything about Louise and being respectful to Sam’s wishes I was doing just that.”

On whether Sam knew about Louise during the interview she did with The Project two weeks ago:

Blake: “She knew I had feelings for Louise absolutely and didn’t want that to be the focus.”

Carrie: “So what did she ask you to say, how did she ask you to deal with it?”

Blake: “Just not to mention it. And I was doing just that.”

On how Blake ‘woo-ed’ Louise after dumping her on live TV:

Louise: “He wrote me a very beautiful and heartfelt letter, explaining why and what happened and for me I wouldn’t be true to myself if I didn’t give this one last try.”

Carrie: “So when did you get that letter?”

Louise: “Before the finale.”

Carrie: “So you watched the finale knowing how Blake felt about you.”

Louise: “I did and in some way Blake felt he was protecting me by sending me home on that episode.”


On whether Louise can believe Blake after she saw him propose to another woman:

Carrie: “But how do you know whether to believe the words in those letters any more than for Sam to believe the words that Blake said to her when he proposed?”

Louise: “I can only ask for honesty, I can only feel what I feel. It feels right I can’t question. I need to support Blake, I need to trust in his word.”

On why Blake proposed to Sam if he knew he really loved Louise:

Carrie: “But if you had these strong feelings for Lou, why propose to Sam, why put her through that if you weren’t 100 per cent sure?”

Blake: “As I said I had strong feelings…”

Carrie: “But strong feelings isn’t I love you for the rest of my life.”

Blake: “But you’re in an environment, where time is never on your side. I wish I could have stretched those last days out into 30.”

Carrie: “But you didn’t have to propose did you?”

Blake: “No I didn’t.”

Carrie: “So why did you?”

Blake: “I’ve always said I’d like to make a lifelong commitment, I’m ready for that. That was there but for me it was who.”

On Blake’s reunion to Louise one week ago:

Carrie: So you’ve only been together properly since last Saturday. You’re now confessing your love to each other. Are you again rushing into things to soon?

Blake: “This is about as well paced as it’s been over the past six months. I mean we built up a relationship over the four months and that love was there; what was there when the show ended didn’t die away. If anything it’s grown. We’d like to move forward, but we can’t do that in a normal quiet way really without announcing it first.”


On watching the original Project interview back:

Blake: “Look it was difficult, especially for me because I’m just trying to be respectful and I’ve adhered to Sam’s wishes and I’m trying to be mindful of Lou and there’s only so much I can do or say. But when you insert a laugh track behind every one of those aspects what can I do?”

Carrie: “We don’t insert a laugh track that’s people’s natural reaction to what you had to say, there were people who did think that what you had to say was disingenuous.”

On how Louise feels about Blake’s past:

Carrie: “How was it for you finding out about Blake’s past, seeing the pictures of him as a stripper and all that?”

Louise: “Well that came out six months ago, you know that’s his past and he wasn’t a stripper, he wasn’t, he wasn’t anything like that. But at the same time I can only take Blake on how he treats me, and he’s always been respectful, kind and caring towards me, he’s always been my protector.”

On how they’ll make the relationship work:

Louise: “Well I’m going to move to Perth. I want to be with Blake and I know that his business is over there. And I’m happy make that journey and make that commitment to Blake over in Perth.”

Blake: “There is a real love story here. There is a beautiful love story here. I came into the whole experience looking for love. I have been so blessed to be able to find that. And I’d like to move forward with that now.”

On whether any of the Bachelorettes are pregnant:

Carrie: “So none of the girls are pregnant with Blake’s baby?”

Blake: “Not that I know of no-one is pregnant Carrie.”


You can watch the full interview here: 


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