
On the last stop of their break-up tour, Blake and Louise criticise people who chase fame. *Cough*

While most of us have the luxury of playing out our relationships in private, controversial Bachelor couple Blake and Louise have courted headlines from the beginning all the way until the end.

In the latest media appearance, the pair went on The Kyle and Jackie O Show this morning to clear up rumours and speculation following the announcement of their split in New Idea earlier this week.

“We’ve still got this amazing friendship, which has so been great for both of us to get through this,” said Louise. “Because, obviously, it hasn’t been easy.”

The couple, who are still living together in Perth, have copped some serious flack for playing out a private event in such a public way, but Blake believes they had no choice.

“Can you imagine if we didn’t?” he said. “When just do something quietly they’re like ‘What are you hiding? Why aren’t you speaking out?'”

He said he’ learned that lesson the hard way during the beginning of their relationship, when a media blackout had reporters camped outside his mother’s house.

“That was ridiculous,” he said. “I’m not going through that again.”

Among the harshest critics of the way Blake and Louise have handled the who saga was fellow contestant Laurina, who slammed the pair during an interview with The Daily Mail,  for "exploiting" their relationship and "milking the last drop of publicity".

Blake wasn't having a bar of it this morning.

"It seems a bit pot-calling-kettle-black when she's talking about milking publicity," he said. "Didn't she go on that show in the jungle?" (Unfortunately, Blake seems to have forgotten that he also went on The Celebrity Apprentice. Though that's probably for the best.)



 According to Louise, that kind of immense scrutiny from the public and the press was actually the fundamental problem with their relationship.

"Not being able to celebrate our love was one of the hardest things for me," she told the hosts. "When you're trying to move forward, it's hard to always be reminded of what's happened."

via Facebook.

Kyle being Kyle, the conversation inevitably slipped into their sex life, with the shock jock probing the pair on when they last slept together. "You're gorgeous people, we want to know!"

The couple played coy; "I'm not getting into the bedroom details," said Blake.

Want to know what really happens behind the scenes on The Bachelor? We talk to a producer from the show in this week's episode of The Binge. 

But Blake was perfectly happy to squash a listener's suggestion that he might not have been operational in the bedroom.

"No mate. All the plumbing's working," he chuckled.

Unfortunately for Blake, Louise was slightly less decisive on the issue. Her "no comment" sent the hosts into a delighted speculative spin. "That doesn't look good for Blake," shrieked Jackie O.

via Facebook.

And, of course, that's where it ended.

Blake and Louise have no plans for further interviews at this stage. But, speaking from previous experience, we suggest you stay tuned. Just in case.

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