
18 women reveal the most bizarre place they've had sex.

We can sometimes find ourselves in a bit of a rut, sexually. One that finds us whipping out the same routines, getting into repetitive positions and sticking to our go-to location: our very own bed. 

But there is so much excitement and pleasure that can be found in going outside of our regular routine... and we mean that literally.

As it turns out, there are quite a few of us who have ventured outside of the bedroom to explore sexual opportunities.

So we could find out the best and most adventurous spots, we reached out to our community to ask them about the wildest place they have had sex. 

Below, 18 women share their own real-life stories.

Sharon, aged 25. 

The most bizarre place you've had sex? At a park... at 2am.

What happened? We met on Tinder. I was silly and horny. I agreed to meet up with him after a bit of convincing. He wanted sex and so did I. He told me we would overlook the stars and he had set up a really nice spot in the back of his truck. We live near a lot of nice beaches so I thought it could be quite romantic (again; I was really silly and horny). He said we'd watch a movie and just relax and I could take my time getting comfortable. But when I got in his car, I realised he didn't have... a truck? It was a two-seater ute and so instead; we went to the park. He then brings out, not a blanket, but a thick rug. He dumped it at the edge of the water, we laid down and what occurred next was the most pleasurable yet painful 10 minutes of my life. I enjoyed the sex but gosh, it was so scary thinking every car was going to be a police officer. 

Holly, aged 38. 

The most bizarre place you've had sex? The rooftop tent above his 4WD.

What happened? I was away and staying with friends. My Mum was also there. And so, later that night, when I picked up a guy, I couldn't actually go back to where I was staying. So instead, we went back to his illegally parked 4WD that had a wind-up rooftop tent. I literally had to wait while he cranked the wind-up mechanism. It was actually quite fun, but I kept forgetting to be quiet and I was worried it would rock right off the roof and we'd go flying. 

I am sure that at some stage someone probably walked past and had a good laugh – but I was too into it to be phased.

Mikayla, aged 24.

The most bizarre place you've had sex? The toilet.

What happened? I wasn't necessarily short on cash, I did however want a bit more money because I was saving up for an overseas holiday. I met them on a hookup app and they approached me there and then offered to pay me $300 to poo in his mouth... Over the toilet. I thought it was unthinkable at first but then I realised we wouldn't be kissing or having actual penetrative sex. They literally just wanted me to poop in their mouth. Maybe I should be more ashamed but I'm not. My friends tease me for it but we have all done crazy things. Oh well!

Cara, aged 24. 

The most bizarre place you've had sex? His brother's bunk bed... 

What happened? We'd met and matched on a dating app and I knew that he was purely a friend-with-benefits situation. When we met, we both got super drunk and ended up back at his place. Little did I know he actually shared a room with his brother... And a single bunk bed. We were way too drunk to climb up to his bed, so we just had sex in his brother's bed. Not my proudest moment, I'll admit.

Susan, aged 39.

The most bizarre place you've had sex? A cricket pitch.

What happened? I was trying to impress my boyfriend who loves the sport, so we had sex on a cricket pitch in the middle of the night. I was wearing his cricket pads on all fours. It was... fun.

Anna, aged 45.

The most bizarre place you've had sex? On a couch, while his father was asleep on another couch.

What happened? The moment was with my now-husband of 20 years. We were young, horny and newly engaged. It was late at night and we were watching TV in the lounge with his father who was fast asleep (he snores like a freight train and nothing ever wakes him). We were spooning each other and a little bit of stroking was happening – next thing you know my skirt is lifted and he is entering me from behind… If his dad had woken and looked over I doubt he would have seen anything in the dark. We felt so adventurous and daring!

Hillary, aged 27.

The most bizarre place you've had sex? A spa in the city.

What happened? It was after work on a Friday. We'd had a couple's massage and then a float session. We were spending the hour together relaxing in the water after a busy week. Things started to happen in the water... and then it progressed in the shower post-float. The combined serenity with the adrenaline of having sex in a place that you shouldn’t be made the experience10/10. 

Kelson, aged 53.

The most bizarre place you've had sex? In the back of a taxi going across the Harbour Bridge.

What happened? After a big night out at a University ball, my girlfriend at the time was more adventurous than me and a little older. We were on our way home and we were making out... Basically, one thing led to another, right in the back of that cab.

Eileen, aged 33.

The most bizarre place you've had sex? Inside the front carriage of a fire engine.

What happened? My boyfriend at the time was a volunteer rural firefighter. We were definitely in the hot and heavy phase of our relationship, but we were in our early twenties and living at home with our parents – so locations for sex were always creative. He had the keys to the rural fire station and one night he said he needed to pick something up from the station. I came in with him and he asked me if I’d ever been inside a fire engine before. I hadn’t. He opened the door to the garage where the fire engine was and opened the door to the front cab of the engine. It was surprisingly roomy with two individual seats at the front and a seat for three people in the back. He kissed me straight away, and I realised what was happening. We had sex on the back seat with me on top enjoying myself. It felt like such a fantasy. 

Sarah, aged 33.

The most bizarre place you've had sex? On the deck of a public viewpoint at a popular beach.

What happened? We were walking along the beach on a hot summer night and climbed up the sand dunes to a viewing deck. We looked out at the ocean and planes flying overhead. The moment just felt right – it was private and dark enough but there were still people walking past on the beach below to make the thrill of being caught exciting. There was also the risk someone would walk down the path to the deck where we were (and someone did mid-way through). It was very exciting, and we both loved every moment of it. 

Ali, aged 46.

The most bizarre place you've had sex? In the shower of the change rooms at a sports pavilion.

What happened? We were at a party, and I started to hook up with a guy I knew there. We ventured to the changing rooms for some privacy – and the next minute, we are naked in the shower! It was so hot and I still fantasise about it years later.

Andi, aged 40.

The most bizarre place you've had sex? On top of a hotel rooftop in NYC. 

What happened? We stopped when the lift opened! It was AMAZING!!

Anne, aged 65.

The most bizarre place you've had sex? The back of the school bus on camp – we were the teachers!

What happened? 12 days is a long time away from home. We were sleeping in cabins with kids so we said we needed groceries and took the bus... We ended up making a pit stop by the lake on the way back.

Alice, aged 35.

The most bizarre place you've had sex? Gym floor of an all-girls high school.

What happened? It was outside of school hours and the venue was used for a weekly social sports league. I was dating the referee who was packing up the venue, so it was just us (I was in my late 20s and he was in his 30s). It was so thrilling and nerve-wracking at the same time. If I had the opportunity to do it again? It would be a heck no! It makes for a fun story but I’m not crazy to try my luck twice like that.

Listen to Sealed Section, hosted by Chantelle Otten. Post continues after audio. 

Tia, aged 32.

The most bizarre place you've had sex? Hotel swimming pool. 

What happened? It was in the middle of the day at a very public swimming pool at a hotel. You could see the pool from the side of the highway. It was new and exciting.

Keely, aged 53.

The most bizarre place you've had sex? Surfers Paradise Beach on NYE when the fireworks went off. 

What happened? It was NYE in the early 80s in Surfers Paradise and I hooked up with a hot guy from Melbourne. We were on the beach and kissing led to sex. We had been drinking, and it was dark so I thought we could do it and get away with it – but we didn’t realise it was nearly midnight! 

So there we were. He with his butt in the air and me flat on my back in what felt like broad daylight thanks to the lights from the fireworks. Not even that stopped us but when we got sorted and stood up, I like to think the cheers were for our performance, not the fireworks. 

Veronika, aged 32.

The most bizarre place you've had sex? The on-call room at work when I was on a night shift (I’m a doctor).

What happened? I had a one-night stand with one of the other doctors who was also working the night shift. I was more senior than him, so I had been given an on-call room... I took him back there. 

Steph, aged 32. 

The most bizarre place you've had sex? A private lake at a French Chateau... in the middle of a wedding!

What happened? My best mate got married in the south of France at a Chateau, which had a beautiful-looking lake on the estate. I met a handsome Swedish fellow at the wedding and on the dance floor, I suggested we go skinny dipping (he didn’t need any convincing). One thing led to another and… we missed the last dance! It was a full moon, the middle of summer, and it was magic. I would never do it again though because the next morning, we saw the lake in the light of day and it was mossy and green – yikes!

*Some names have been changed for privacy. 

Feature Image Getty/Mamamia.

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