
Daniel's Bachelor In Paradise debut was the "creepiest" date we've ever seen on the show.

There’s only one word Australian viewers need to describe Bachelor In Paradise ‘intruder’ Daniel Maguire, and that is ‘creepy’.

During his Aussie TV debut, Daniel decided to take 30-year-old Nina Rolleston on a date to a hot tub and failed to talk about anything other than her breasts.

Watch: Daniel and Nina’s ‘creepy’ hot tub date on Bachelor In Paradise.

Video via Channel 10

“Is it me that’s making you hot?” Daniel asked Nina because she was sweating… even though it was obvious she was BOILING ALIVE while sitting in a HOT TUB in a TROPICAL LOCATION.

“I’m a bad boy… I’m naughty,” he continued, with absolutely zero context.

Nina, who did admit she felt some chemistry with the 31-year-old Canadian, repeatedly told Daniel to “stop it” and at one point even said “you’re so terrible”.

Daniel and Nina on date Bachelor in Paradise
"I'm a bad boy," Daniel said, out of nowehere. Image via Channel 10.

Things became worse when Daniel described Nina in her swimsuit as "banging".

He was also spotted eyeing off her chest and told his date her boobs were "distracting" and making him "frisky".

Daniel creepy date with Nina Bachelor in Paradise
Nina zipped up her swimsuit after Daniel said her breasts were "distracting". Image via Channel 10.

"Come on, how am I not to be distracted..." he asked, as Nina zipped up her swimsuit so her chest was no longer on display.

Aussie viewers were less than impressed by Daniel's 'flirting' tactics, sharing their thoughts on the uncomfortable exchange over social media:


Daniel had already angered viewers earlier in the episode, when he asked a group of the male contestants if Lisa was "theirs".

He also told the existing Aussie Bachelors he was in Paradise to "take their women". He said he was appearing on the Australian version of the show because he needed to "seek out other sources" as females in Canada are "going into hibernation" for the winter.

Safe to say Daniel hasn't won over any Aussie fans.... and we're yet to find out if he'll be sticking around in Fiji for much longer.

Zara McDonald and Michelle Andrews discuss the latest Bachelor in Paradise episode and attempt to figure out who the heck Lenora is.

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