
"I plan to kidnap my son's favourite Teddy. This is why."

This post is sponsored by Biozet Attack Ecosmart Laundry Liquid







His name is Teddy Bear. Cute, isn’t he? He’s the firm friend of my five-year-old son Giovanni. Giovanni selected Teddy Bear as the only fluffy toy that mattered to him from a very early age. I still remember him crawling around, dragging Teddy behind him. He’s slept with him every night for five years. Given the choice between Teddy and ice-cream, I’m pretty sure Giovanni would choose Teddy.

Except Teddy stinks! He smells like vomit and old saliva. And the problem is Giovanni doesn’t like Teddy to have a ‘bath’. The few times I’ve thrown Teddy into the washing machine with a load of whites Giovanni has sat in front of the front loader watching it like a TV, watching Teddy spin around and around and around.

I haven’t washed Teddy for a while so it’s timely that Biozet Attack Ecosmart Laundry Liquid has entered my life. It smells like the ocean and as much as I know Giovanni finds the smell of vomit and old saliva comforting, I know he’ll like the smell of the ocean just as much. Who doesn’t like to go to sleep thinking about the beach?

Giovanni is my middle child. I fell pregnant with his sister pretty quickly after him so I wasn’t able to snuggle with him as much as I would have liked. This is where Teddy fulfilled an important role and it’s the reason I haven’t tried too hard to detach Giovanni from his best friend.

We leave Teddy in the car when we go to pre-school and sometimes we even leave him at home during short trips (except Giovanni sits him up on the lounge and leave the TV on!).


If anything can get the stains out of Teddy Bear, it’s Biozet Attack Ecosmart Laundry Liquid. You use the tiniest capful for a full load. I used to have to buy laundry product every week. Now, I have a bottle that lasts for a good few weeks.

I wait until Giovanni is properly distracted. He’s watching The Lorax (again) and he’s eating Pizza Shapes. That gives me a good few minutes to kidnap Teddy and throw him in the wash.

There, done. Project ‘Clean Teddy’ is underway. Giovanni hasn’t noticed yet. I know it’s just a matter of time.

“Teddy Bear,” I hear my son’s footsteps as he searches the house.

“Teddy Bear’s having a bath,” I say calmly and matter-of-factly.

“WHAT,” Giovanni shouts and runs to the washing machine. “Oh no,” he says sadly and sits down to wait.

I feel like laughing and crying at the same time. This is brutal but necessary action on my part. If Teddy Bear was tested in a lab I’m pretty sure that in addition to vomit, various food products and a ridiculous amount of dust mites they’d also find traces of urine and such.

The wash cycle ends. Teddy Bear is clean but wet. He needs some time on our clothes line. Gosh, he looks very sad hanging up there secured by a peg on his ear. Giovanni starts to have a meltdown so I wrap Teddy Bear in a towel and hand him over. Finally, Teddy Bear is clean once more.

Oh, the rest of the load looks pretty awesome too. And I keep sniffing my laundry.


Smmmmm, ahhhhh!

Watch as we review Biozet Attack Ecosmart Laundry Liquid in our Mamamia Reality Road Test:

Biozet Attack Ecosmart Laundry Liquid uses cutting edge Ecosmart technology to bring you a new liquid laundry detergent offering advanced cleaning performance without compromising the environment.

Not all laundry liquids are made equal. Getting more with less is the smarter way of doing laundry. Just 1 tiny shot goes a long way with Biozet Attack Ecosmart Laundry Liquid – each 650mL bottle gives you an amazing 34 washes! When shopping, look at the number of washes on pack, as detergents vary in concentration. You may find that a large tub and small bottle actually provide a comparable number of washes. Biozet Attack Ecosmart Laundry Liquid is tough on stains, yet environmentally conscious, contains no phosphorus and is grey water suitable. An easy tear & pour refill pack is also available, reducing packaging and landfill.

Biozet Attack celebrates 21 years of keeping Australians clean, by giving you a chance to win a cleaner for 21 weeks!

Simply buy any Biozet Attack product and see click here  for entry details.


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Did you have a teddy bear or a security blanket when you were growing up?  Do your kids have attachments to any toys or fluffy objects?

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