Please don’t let it be true.
Please, I’ll do anything for it NOT to be true.
That was my reaction to the news that this season of Channel 10’s Offspring could be the show’s last.
What? No more awkward Nina moments? No more eccentric Proudman family gatherings? No more drooling over Nina’s fashion and lofty house? What will I do to fill the Wednesdays at 8:30pm gap?
Tell me it’s not true.
Look, the truth is that nothing has been confirmed yet. So I might just be crying into my soup for no reason. Still, I can’t help but think that if it’s not this season, the end is probably still nigh.
Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Madman Entertainment. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100 per cent authentic and written in their own words.
I could write for hours about how damn much I love this show – there’s the characters, the incredible writing, the scenery in my hometown of Melbourne. But if there’s one thing I love more than anything, it’s the incredible relationship between the Proudman sisters – Nina and Billie.
There’s not a woman in Australia who watches Offspring and hasn’t either a) called her sister immediately after a show or b) sat on the couch wishing she had a Billie or a Nina in her life.
And with that, we thought it might be fun to look back at the best moments shared between the two. Prepare to take a walk down Offspring memory lane…
1. Nina and Billie’s first scene together.
Nina (or Dr Proudman) is at the hospital wrestling with the vending machine when she receives a call from Billie.
“Have you got your hand up a patient or can you talk?” Billie asks.
2. When Mick sings “Six at best” at the pub.
After sleeping with Nina and causing a rift between the sisters, Mick sings a song about how Nina is a six in bed (out of 10) and Billie is a 10.
After the song the girls hug and make up. Huzzah!