
Billboards featuring girls in hijabs to be installed nationwide after crowdfunding campaign reaches target.

Billboards featuring two girls in hijabs are set to be installed around the country after an Australia Day sign was taken down in Melbourne following complaints it featured Muslims.

The sign was removed from Cranbourne in Melbourne’s south-east after an advertising company was abused and threatened for including the images of the two girls.

Anti-racism campaigners launched a fundraiser to pay for the sign to return, collecting $125,000 in 24 hours.

Organiser Dee Madigan said the sign would be back up in the same area within days and more would be installed in other capital cities.

“I’m overwhelmed and just incredibly heartened I guess because it feels like sometimes the bastards are winning,” she said.

“Then when this happens you just think, ‘No they’re not, there’s a whole lot of really good people out there’.

“They put pressure on to take one down, we’ll put 20 back up.”

Ms Madigan said she hoped the campaign would also include advertisement in newspapers.

She said she felt people donated to the campaign because taking down the sign “offended their sense of fair go”.

“The people who complain about Muslim Australians not assimilating were the ones who complained about two Muslim girls holding an Australian flag celebrating Australia Day,” she said.

“They can’t win, they’re damned if they do, damned if they don’t.”

“I think it was ‘that’s enough’, it really was ridiculous it was absolutely unfair.”

This post originally appeared on ABC News.

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