
Found: The people-mover for people on the move.

Thanks to our brand partner, LDV

I wasn’t happy when the LDV first arrived.

“It’s too big,” I exclaimed, wondering how I was going to drive it, park it, do anything in it. The delivery man laughed at me.

“You’ll be fine,” he said, based on nothing. Everyone who knows me knows I wasn’t going to be fine. I have a history of driving scraped and scratched cars, most of the damage done by me in my own driveway. I’m just always busy and rushing.

I decided to take it for a drive before my kids arrived home from school. I decided to do the grocery shopping with it. I climbed in behind the wheel, figured out how to start it, and off I went.

Behind the wheel, it felt like I was driving a much smaller car. It was so comfy and easy to drive. It was only when I glanced at the back seats that I comprehended how big it actually was.

big family car
“It was only when I glanced at the back seats that I comprehended how big it actually was.” Image via Jo Abi.

I headed to my local shopping centre and went to swing into my usual car park but ended up slamming on the brakes, eyeing the rather low entryway. Will I make it through? This is a big car. I inched forward, waiting to hear the scrape that never came.

Now where will I be parking it? Has anyone else noticed how narrow parking spaces are these days? It took me a few goes but I finally managed to reverse it into a space. I jumped down from the driver seat and was met by a friend of mine who was hysterically laughing.

“Was that you?” she said, shocked. “I was watching you going into the car park. What did you think was going to happen? It wasn’t going to hit anything. They make them to standard, you know.”

I felt suitably embarrassed but also reassured. It may be bigger than I am used to, but they are made to standard. I decided to enjoy it.

big family car
“When the kids arrived home they were so excited to see the car and we went for a drive.” Image via Jo Abi.

My grocery shopping is a huge exercise and it all fit very comfortably in the incredibly spacious boot. When the kids arrived home they were so excited to see the car and we went for a drive. My children could stand up in it and they all sat very far away from each other which meant they had plenty of space. They even forgot to fight and annoy each other.

It was luxurious. There was plenty of room for schoolbags, trombones, groceries, soccer gear and my three growing children. I love it and I’ll admit I almost cried when it was picked up. The kids were sad too – my daughter even asked if we could keep it forever.

My husband was also a fan – he took it for a drive too and loved it. He said he was surprised by how much grunt it had. Grunt and power is always very important to him. He also said something about a good turning circle, great transmission and was very impressed that unlike most people movers, all of the seats in the LDV, including the very back row, can seat a full grown adult comfortably.

big family car
“There was plenty of room for schoolbags, trombones, groceries, soccer gear and my three growing children.” Image via Jo Abi.

Yep – this car pretty much ticks all the boxes. It’s got a great sound system (which is essential for in-car karaoke sessions). It’s got a rear camera (which is so, so important for safety). It comes with passive start technology, which means it literally can be started with the push of a button. And one of my favourite features? You can open the doors just by having the key NEAR the car. The future is here…

So if you’re tempted, you can get the LDV G10 People Mover with the option of seven or nine seats depending on your preference, from only $29,990 drive away for the 7-seat version. I can already picture the road trips we’ll take together in a car like this…

I wouldn’t mind one myself. I wonder if they come in red?

What do you think? Are you a people mover person?

Here are some more shots of Jo with the LDV:

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