It’s not just religious folk choosing baby names from the bible.
Biblical baby names are beautiful and have been in use for centuries. Many of them are considered classic choices.
Some parents might choose them in order to conjure an obedient child. Others may not even know they have chosen a name with Biblical origins.
Gwyneth Paltrow seems properly influenced by the bible naming her children Apple (from the Garden of Eden?) and Moses.
There’s no arguing the name Moses comes from the bible.
Nameberry has listed the top 11 biblical baby names for boys and best 11 biblical baby names for girls, some of which are still wildly popular as well as a few forgotten classics.
Top 11 biblical baby names for boys
1. Jacob
Jacob has long been one of the most popular baby names in the western world. Jacob had two wives (a sign of the times), lots of kids and was known for being quite, thoughtful and family-focused, preferring to stay close to home tending his flocks.
2. Ethan
Not just a name made famous by the Mission Impossible series, biblical Ethan was praised for his wisdom. Ethan means strong, optimistic, solid, enduring and permanent.
3. Noah
The builder of the ark, a symbol of hope and survival, the name Noah evokes images of strength and leadership. He is also thought to have fathered three sons at the age of 100 which is mighty impresive, if true.