
Meet Betty Dodson: the 85-year-old who teaches women how to orgasm.


Meet Betty Dodson, the 85-year-old woman who is teaching ‘self-love‘ to as many women as she can:


Now, before we do anything, can we just acknowledge how young she looks? Like, crazy young? There’s definitely a bit of a soft-focus filter going on there but even so – Betty looks good for 85. Damn good.

Maybe it has something to do with that fact that Betty is pretty much the queen of female masturbation. She wrote a book in the 70s called ‘Sex for One’ (which was kind of a major deal for women at the time) and has recently started once again holding workshops for women who have no idea how to, well, get themselves off.

So how – a whole generation after feminists launched the sexual revolution – has Betty suddenly appeared back on the radar?

Betty and Carlin, the woman who introduced her to a new generation. (via)

Well, Betty Dodson 2.0 all started back in 2006, when she was interviewed by lawyer and fan, 41-year-old Carlin Ross. The two immediately hit it off and decided to go into the lady-love business together. Carlin helped Betty create a website, and a YouTube video series, all focusing on self-love. So, 50 years after she first started teaching women how to masturbate, Betty was once again getting her sexual wisdom out there.

And it turns out, a LOT of today’s young women were desperate for Betty’s help.


Betty said she was surprised at the amount of women these days who are so accomplished and confident in so many ways but have never had an orgasm.

“Yeah, I’m an overnight success at 85,” she told The Guardian recently. “People now say THE Betty Dodson.”

The masturbation workshops can be private or in groups, and some go for an entire weekend.

On her website, Betty says that she believes “masturbation is the foundation for all human sexual activity” and that it’s “how we learn to like our genitals, discover our sexual responses and build sexual self-esteem”.

Here’s a clip of Betty talking about why orgasms feel so good:


Betty’s website is pretty amazing – there is even an option to buy her Bodysex DVD, or ‘Betty’s Vaginal Barbell’. But mostly, it’s just filled with really helpful information, as Betty answers hundreds of questions sent in by women all over the world. And no question is too simple, or too advanced, for Betty. Whatever stage you’re at with orgasms and you’re body, there’s something for you to learn on Betty’s website.

So, the question needs to be asked, would you attend an orgasm workshop with an 85-year-old masturbation genius? And, is Betty officially your new hero?


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