Never easy, but do-able.
Once you have children, it’s safe to say that your sex life with your partner can take a back seat. Not the kind of sex life in the back seat that you once had, but rather, a new style of sexy times whereby a lot more is standing in your way.
These are the realities for parents everywhere.
Read more: The one trick for better sex. Guaranteed.
1. Timing.
Timing is everything. I’m not talking about the length of the actual deed, so to speak (you can forget about all nighters). Chances are that the second you slip out of mum mode and into your role as sexy seductress, your kids will wake up needing water, cuddles, replacement dummies or possibly even a banquet style continental breakfast delivered to their door.
Nothing, and I mean nothing, kills lady wood faster than being reminded that your children are in the house, possibly only a wall away.
Make sure your kids are well and truly out of it before you even think about getting all Marvin Gaye with it.
2. Exhaustion.
Exhaustion is a major killer of all things sexy. Any parent will tell you that children are little energy thieves, siphoning it out of you at great speeds.
You can spend all day long sending steamy messages to your partner, anticipating a night of no doubt memorable bedroom antics but it's highly likely that after you've successfully negotiated your way through the dinner/bath/bed gauntlet, someone will fall asleep on the couch.