
This betting website has listed a third potential winner of The Bachelorette.

We all missed it, but there is apparently a third man in the running to win Georgia Love’s heart tonight.

Betting website Sportsbet has listed host Osher Gunsberg as a potential winner in tonight’s The Bachelorette alongside Matty J and Lee.

Gunsberg currently holds the odds of 51 to 1, which seems entirely fair considering he is engaged to makeup artist Audrey Griffen.

Lee has been leading the betting pack all week with the presumed highest chance to win, but his margin dipped after Wednesday night’s episode.

You know, the one that aired the kind of steamy scene between Georgia and Matty J that made us all look awkwardly behind us, as if our mothers were about to walk in.


I would just like to say sorry to every long-shot punter who has chucked a few bucks at Osher. Because if you have watched an episode of the show — nay, if you have watched even a minute — you will know this man will almost certainly not win.

But let’s not be too hasty, Mamamia readers. Can you imagine if he did? It’d be the ultimate upset.

HOW DID WE NOT SEE IT BEFORE? Source: Network 10.

Would the show be axed? Praised?

Would they have exotically-named children like Oshgia and Georger?

The only certainty is that tonight will ceremoniously mark the beginning of a beautifully public love story. We cannot wait.

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