
Best and worst this week. How are you doing?

Hi! I’m Alyx, nice to meet you.




Good Friday guys – not literally (although I swear I can feel that four-day weekend coming). This is my first week at Mamamia, and therefore my first-ever Best and Worst, that magical, open time on a Friday morning where we get to share the biggest things that have been happening in our weeks, and check in on each other.

My Best is a pretty obvious one – the first week on a new job is always thrilling. I’ve had such an amazing time filling my head with all things Mamamia, getting to know the team (they’re as sweet and cool and funny as you think) and all of you. It’s fascinating to learn what you love and don’t love, what you’re passionate about and what makes you snore. I’m so far from figuring it all out yet – I’m still wrestling with a content management system to boot – but I’m looking forward to spending a good long while learning as I go, and sharing a few things I love (and don’t love) with you as well.

My Worst also comes with the new job. I’m lucky enough to be able to walk to and from work every day. I love my foot-powered commute, which takes me right through the centre of Sydney. But, on Wednesday as I walked home – at the not-very-late hour of 6.30pm, I saw not one, not two, but three men peeing in the street. The first was right near MM HQ, the second was in a nook of a major bank’s building, and the third was in Hyde Park. In Kings Cross, at 3am, I’d expect to see this, a man’s gotta do, etc etc, but so early on, in the middle of the week? I don’t know if Sydney’s been struck by a bladder shrinking epidemic, or if there was a memo about National Weeing in Public Day that I missed, but come on gents, zip it up and find yourselves a WC. I have to hold it in, so you should too.


What’s been on my mind… The other week, I learned about the narcissism of small differences, and it really resonated. How many times have you seen groups of people, who share the same broad interests and aims, fall into infighting, then accomplish nothing? If you work on the internet (holla!), the answer is “constantly”. While I was talking over this with a good friend, he mentioned to me that he has a maxim when it comes to getting upset. Whenever he sees something he doesn’t like, but before he acts, he asks himself “Is this my greatest enemy?” When the answer’s “no”, he leaves well alone. It’s a practice we could all do with a dose of from time to time. I’m going to put it in place, and I reckon I’ll save a whole lot of emotional energy. Say it with me: “Is this my greatest enemy?” Don’t think so!

Now please, introduce yourselves and tell me what’s been going on with you!

This week’s Best and Worst is brought to you by Intel.  Intel’s OMM this week is BYOD programs.  That’s ‘bring your own device’ to school and is a policy that most Australian schools are adopting nowadays.  If you’re confused by the number of different device choices out there for your child, we’ve created a simple guide to help you out.

Visit to find out what really matters when choosing a device for school.

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