
Best and Worst: Come and tell us how your week was.

Dressed up as a reindeer for the local Christmas carols event. BECAUSE CHRISTMAS!





Friday! Friday! Gotta get down on

Welcome to the best day of the week! The day that welcomes in the weekend, the day where 5pm couldn’t come quicker, and…. the day where we do Best and Worst!

This week is an extra special Friday because it also brings the start of Christmas holidays. So stay safe in your travels, friends!

So in case you are new to the post, I’ll give you a quick run down of how it works. Best and Worst is one of the best posts of the week, it’s where we come together to talk about the bests, the worsts, and everything in between that’s happened this week. Think of it like meeting with your friends for coffee – but online, in your pyjamas, and where no one is going to judge you for drinking wine at 10am.

I need to start this one with a disclaimer – one of the best bits about interning with Mamamia on a Friday is reading all the Best & Worst comments. I’ve been celebrating with you guys as you share the highlights of your week, and my heart broke for many of you with some absolutely devastating worsts. I love being a part of the community, and you guys – well you’re simply the best! So let’s round out the year with one cracker of a Friday Best & Worst.

BEST: CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS IS IN 5 SLEEPS! I’m a self confessed Christmas enthusiast. (In fact I would love to challenge Nat for her role as Mamamia’s unofficial Christmas captain.) It’s my favourite holiday of the year, more so than my birthday or any of the other awesome reason there might be to take a day off and throw a party.

For me, Christmas begins in the last week of November with the annual Gingerbread house building event, followed by the ceremonial erection of the Christmas tree on December 1st. The next 25 days are filled with Christmas carols, fruit mince pies, Christmas lights and every Christmas movie under the sun. I’ve even convinced my ginger haired husband to spend the month wearing an elf’s hat. Christmas is not a day for me, Christmas is a month filled with joy, laughter, celebration and above all spirit. CHRISTMAS IS MAGIC.


WORST:  My week was actually really good, so I am hijacking this week’s Worst to ask you all for help. In my extended family we have a tradition of buying each married couple a gag gift of no more than $5 in value. To give you an idea, one year we all received scissors designed to open those special plastic sealed packets. (And ironically the scissors were stuck inside one of those special plastic seals.) Now I know I’ve left it a bit late, but the rest of my Christmas shopping is done, and I am stuck. So guys, help me out. I need a gag gift for under $5 in value that can be given to couples.

PS. The team at Mamamia want to remind you about a competition we’ve got running. It’s called Back Seat Heroes and every week, we’re asking you to use social media to share details of the special moments you have with your kids in the car. Each week we’ve been giving one first place winner a $750 cash card and the runner up a $250 cash card. At the end of the comp, we’ll give an overall winner $2000.

There’s just a few days left in the competition – but still $3000 to give away.

To enter – check out this post and just make sure you hashtag all your entries with #backseatheroes.

And here’s are some of our entries from this week where we asked you about the songs you sing with your kids in the car.

Over to you! So tell us, what was the best and worst of your week? xx

Sarah Richardson has just completed a Media degree at Macquarie University, and is an intern at Mamamia and iVillage. She’s a social media addict who loves a good book, and drinks copious amounts of tea. You can follow her on twitter here.

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