
Best and Worst: How's your week been?

Jamila Rizvi





For those loyal Best and Worst readers who have had trouble finding this post lately, our deep apologies. The editorial team will do our best to keep the post on the homepage for a full 24 hours from now on.

To those who are new to the game: Welcome, welcome, welcome. Best and Worst is a longstanding Mamamia tradition. Let me explain how it works.

Every Friday we bring our community together to reflect on the week that was. We ask you to tell us your highlight (your ‘best’), your lowlight (your ‘worst’) and your OMM (what’s ‘On My Mind’).

I’ll get us started.

Best: I had the most ridiculously luxurious massage this week at Sydney’s Signature Day Spa. I’m generally not a massage person because ‘relaxing’ isn’t something I do well (and I also have seriously ticklish feet).

As a result I generally spend the whole time tensing up and willing the masseuse not to go near my toes in case I break into hysterics.  But these guys were great. They took excellent care of me, made me feel like some rich and famous superstar and were very polite (and didn’t laugh) when I explained that it would be better if they avoided the entire sole-of-the-foot area.

Worst: Flying. I live in Melbourne but work most of the week in Sydney, which means I am regularly on and off a plane. I am usually okay(ish) with planes but since the terrible news about the missing Malaysia Airways flight, I’ve been terrified of being in the air. Is anyone else having trouble flying?

OMM: Daniel Morcombe’s amazing family. Watching his mother and father address the media yesterday was truly gut-wrenching. It’s got me stuck on the idea that terrible things often happen to the most loving, wonderful people. I just hope that the conclusion of the trial gives the family some type of closure and they are able to find some joy in their lives. The way those two parents fought for and loved their son both during his life and after his death, are pretty inspiring.

Enough from me. What’s your week been like?

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