
Best and Worst: How's your week been?



We’re on the home stretch everyone, it’s Friday morning and the working week is almost over.

Best and Worst is a weekly Mamamia tradition, where we ask you to tell us the highlight and lowlight of your week, plus a little bit of what’s been on your mind. If you’re after some advice or good counsel, the Mamamia community comes highly recommended so please just ask.

I’ll go first, shall I?

Best: My best was actually last Saturday catching up with my best mate Marielle (who lives in Adelaide). It may technically have been last week but I had such a good time that it’s sustained me right through this one.

Marielle was in Melbourne for the weekend and the wonderful people at Chandon (yes, as in the champagne – as if you could be ‘people’ who make champagne for a living and NOT be wonderful) had us

out to visit their vineyard in the Yarra Valley. They were hosting their annual ‘secret garden party’ on the lawns, where there was delicious food and copious amounts of sparkling wine.

Basically sparkling wine experts.

Now, Marielle and I might like to think we’re super classy dames but our schoolgirl-like excitement at being treated like royalty for the day definitely revealed that we are not.


We made the most of the experience, sampling every wine on the tasting list and making important sounding pronouncements about ‘tannins’. Marielle even came out with a totally left of field “I can smell figs’ comment about one wine, which turned out to be CORRECT.

So in other words, we’re basically sparkling wine experts now. But I can certainly recommend a day out at Chandon if you ever make it to the Yarra Valley. Even for non-wine lovers it’s a real treat because the vineyard it absolutely picturesque and the wines aren’t all Big Scary Intimidating reds – there’s lots of easy drinking available too.

The ‘secret garden party’ at Chandon.

Worst: My worst has actually been the Valentines Day hype. A bunch of my friends have just ended relationships and it’s turning out to be a day of punishment rather than celebration for them. I’m wishing them lots of love, chocolate and blissful ignorance of the soppy hallmark cards and roses being shared around.

OMM: All the great new staff we’ve had commence work at Mamamia in the past month or so. We’re rapidly expanding our editorial team and the new writers are settling in brilliantly. A big welcome to Grace, who joined us this week, giving up life as a lawyer in Melbourne to join our team in Sydney.

Enough from me. What’s been happening in your world?

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