
Best and Worst: How's your week been?



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Welcome to this week’s Best and Worst.

I’m going to shake it up a bit with a “bad news sandwich” this week. This is when you sandwich the bad stuff (like lettuce, bleugh) between the good stuff (like cheese, yay) so you can get your negative point across but leave everyone feeling good about themselves.

So firstly, the cheese…

The best:

I’m so happy to be heading back home to Brisbane this weekend to celebrate my birthday, with a vino or 3 of course. The horrific events of the past week have really made me think about how incredibly lucky I am to be able to spend time with my loved ones.

The worst:

Having just moved from the glorified country town that is Brisbane to the big smoke of Sydney, I’ve got a bit on my plate. I’m battling to find a job in my field, straight up dying over the price of rent for our shoebox studio and dealing with shockingly bad Sydney drivers. All #firstworldproblems of course and certainly not the most tragic issues to be dealing with.

Shut up and take my money.

Shut up and take my money.However, the hardest challenge I have faced thus far is making new friends. IT’S SO AWKWARD. I swear making friends in primary school, high school and university wasn’t this weird and hard. Fill me in people, how do you go from “ha we both like judging people and think that The Big Bang Theory is the worst television show in history” to “lets get this friendship on”. Tips and/or offers of friendship would be appreciated.

Also I dropped my phone in a toilet *face palm*.

The second best:

The holy grail of chocolate biscuits has made sweet, sweet love with the most delicious spread in history and thus a miracle was born. Arnotts have released a peanut butter flavoured Tim Tam. Walk don’t run, people.

Let’s open the floor, how was your week everyone?

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