
The best use of YOLO you've ever seen.

Have you had the talk?






Australians are pretty giving people; we are suckers for the underdog and are always willing to help a mate out. The problem is, Aussies can all too often  “forget” to read and double check the fine print. It is this loveable quirk that is becoming quite a problem.

According to DonateLife, Over 80% of Australian’s agree with organ donation, but less than 60% of Australian family’s give consent for their loved ones organs to be donated after death. Looks like we’ve got ourselves a problem causing discrepancy.

The problem is most people think if they have ticked the donor C box on their license or registered their wishes online with Medicare, they are all set. They think if they pass away the people in charge will know what to do. They think they’ve done all they can to ensure their organs are used to save ten other peoples lives.

But they’re wrong!

In Australia the family always, always, ALWAYS gets the last say.

It is so important that Australians are talking with their loved ones. This one chat has the potential to change 10 Australians lives, that’s 10 out of the 1600+ people in Australia waiting for an organ donor.

#YOLOdonate, is a campaign encouraging all Australian’s to have the chat with their families to ensure that when they pass away their organ donor status is known and upheld. We want you to have the chat, upload a selfie or Tweet about it, make sure your loved ones know your status. That way you are giving those unfortunate enough to be waiting for an organ donor the best chance of getting one.

Check out our blog, Facebook and Twiter, share your photo with us and make sure you tag us, #yolodonote.

YOLO – have the talk now to make a difference when you’re gone.


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