
Here are 17 incredible things you might not know happened in 2017.

If 2016 was the sick joke that wasn’t even remotely funny, 2017 has been a very weird follow up.

Stories of crime, terrorism and Donald Trump’s bizarre Diet Coke habit have punctuated our day-to-day lives, and it can begin to feel like we are in the midst of the goddamn Apocalypse.

So – to offer some perspective – here are 17 incredible things that happened this year, that have made the world an infinitely better place.

  1. The snow leopard and New Zealand’s iconic kiwi bird have been taken off the endangered animals list.
  2. Scientists have found a way to successfully rebreed sections of Australia’s deteriorating Great Barrier Reef.
  3. Women in Saudi Arabia are now allowed to drive.
  4. For 11 entire minutes in November, Trump’s Twitter account did not exist thanks to a Twitter employee.
  5. A spray gun was invented by scientists which treats burn victims by shooting stem cells, and regrowing skin without any scarring.
  6. Same-sex marriage was finally legalised in Australia.
  7. The Zika virus epidemic ended.
  8. Connie and Samuel Johnson’s foundation, Love Your Sister, raised more than $4 million for cancer research, with Samuel vowing not to stop until they reach $10 million.
  9. Amazon is in the process of building new headquarters, and once it is finished it will house 200 homeless people.
  10. The World Health Organisation has reported that HIV/AIDS is no longer the leading cause of death in Africa.
  11. Crime in the United States has actually decreased by 2.7 per cent this year.
  12. In France, the breeding of captive dolphins was banned.
  13. This has been the “greenest year ever” in the United Kingdom for electricity production.
  14. In March, Zimbabwe put a ban on the beating of children.
  15. Enormous breakthroughs have been made in the treatment of diabetes, heart disease, depression, autism and leukaemia.
  16. Over the next six years, conservationists have pledged to plant 73 million trees in the Amazon rainforest.
  17. Since 2000, child labour rates around the world have dropped no less than 50 per cent.

Although often it doesn’t look like it, there is – it turns out – a damn lot of good in the world.

 LISTEN: It was the year of marriage equality. 

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