
The 11 best nutritionist-approved snacks to have at work.

Image: HBO.

3pm hunger pangs might be well-documented but let’s not forget about the 11am, 2:30pm and 9:15am munchies either. When you’re stuck at a desk all day, it can be all too tempting to rely on the office vending machine or suagry treats to sate your appetite.

Fortunately there’s an easy, healthier solution – and all it takes is a few extra minutes in the supermarket. We asked four nutritionists to share the best at-work snacks.

Susie Burrell, Founder, Shape Me

“You want foods that are light in calories and sugars. In an office you are sitting for many hours and as a result not burning a lot of calories – plus sweet foods will simply drive appetite,” she says.

Image: Supplied.


Her picks: Vegetable sticks (like carrot or cucumber), roasted broadbeans, berries or a handful of nuts.

"These are all low calorie (as long as nuts are portion controlled), nutrient rich and contain protein and or fibre to keep you full. Even better when enjoyed with a green tea!" she says. (Watch: The easiest recipe for your morning green smoothies. Post continues after video.)

Pip Reed, Co-founder The Health Clinic, Nutritionist, Women's Health Expert

Image: Supplied.


Her picks: Two to three Medjool dates and a handful of walnuts, a piece of fruit and 200ml tub of plain greek yoghurt or cut up carrots and celery with hummus.

"All these snacks are full of blood sugar stabilising fibre, fat for satiety, protein to keep you full and are full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals to boost your daily intake," she says.

Tom Fitzgerald, Founder, Integrated Fitness and Nutrition

"It can be hard to eat well because of the proximity to others and interactions. I'd recommend keeping a large bottle of water at your desk and trying that first, but there are options for healthy and easy snacks," he says.

Image: Supplied.


His picks: Garden salad with mixed nuts, oats with milk or protein powder (30g whey protein powder) and a piece of fruit.

"The salad and protein powder options require no prep, while the oats can be microwaved and ready to go," he says. (Post continues after gallery.)

 Robbie Clark, Co-Founder The Health Clinic, dietician, sports nutritionist.

"If you’re inundated with work and have not planned your snacks or lunch, you are more likely to opt for takeaway foods which are often high in fat, calories and sugar," Clark says.

His picks: Single servings of trail mix (serving size 40-50g), tins of tuna or small tubs of yoghurt.

"Nuts are low glycaemic index (GI) meaning they will cause a slow release of your blood sugars after consumption and not cause them to spike too high. As a result, they keep you feeling fuller for longer and provide prolonged energy," he explains.

"Tuna is easy to keep in your desk drawer and can provide the base of any snack or even a light meal if you are time poor or have forgotten to bring in your lunch. Yoghurt is high in protein and calcium but go for the plain or lighter Greek style."

What's your go-to office snack?

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