Like dry shampoo, it’s hard to remember what we ever did before facial wipes. Sure, we used to wash our hair and faces more often, but why bother when modern inventions allow us to do otherwise?
Facial wipes are a blessing for working mothers, busy women and the ‘can’t be bothered’ among us. And I’ve discovered a game-changer among all the brands in your local supermarket.
I’m often the sole parent responsible for feeding, bathing and putting my daughter to bed. And by putting to bed I mean up to two hours of walking her back into her room, patting, singing, reading books and silently praying that this time, she’ll actually go the f*ck to sleep. I’m often too knackered at the end of the day to bother with proper cleansing. I reach for a makeup removing wipe and hope for the best. (I feel like I need to justify that statement by telling you I make up for it on the weekend with a deep Clarisonic cleanse.)
Related links:
5 easy makeup swaps every new mum should make
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“The $16 life-changing beauty product I found in the supermarket”
I’ve been devoted to the same two brands of skincare wipes for years now (Josie Maran and Wotnot), and though I’ve tried many other brands that come across my desk as my role as beauty editor for The Glow, I’ve steadfastly remained loyal to the two above-mentioned brands.