“Make sure you get my best side!” is a joke we’ve probably all made at some point while having our photo taken.
Yet for many of us, it’s not actually a joke at all. Next time you assemble for a group shot with your mates, or pose for a selfie, take note of how many people will adjust their position to ensure a certain angle of their face is captured. Or maybe you’re the one doing the adjusting.
Either way, there’s no denying the whole ‘best side’ gag is a little more legitimate than we’d like to think (hello — human faces are by nature asymmetrical). Now, research has found there’s one side of the face women overwhelmingly favour.
RELATED: Read this and you’ll never take a bad selfie again.
In a survey of 1000 women, 16 per cent reported liking both sides of their face equally, while 43 per cent didn’t view one side as better than the other. How very diplomatic of them.
Among those who do play favourites with their facial contours, the majority said their right side was… well, the right side for photos. It was a close call, though; at 23 per cent, Team Right narrowly beat Team Left by five per cent.
However, research suggests all you right side-favourers (that includes you, Kylie Minogue) could have it completely wrong. Yep, maybe science knows your face better than you do.
Which celebrities lean ‘to the left, to the left’? And which ones have it Right? We stalked their Instagrams to find out. (Post continues after gallery)
Celebrities show their best side
A study published in the journal Experimental Brain Research concluded that humans find the left side of a face more aesthetically pleasing, because it’s more capable of showcasing emotions more actively and expressively.