“New year, same old mess-of-a-you but with new and better technology to trick people into thinking you’re a functioning human being.”
New year, new you. Right?
New year, same old mess-of-a-you but with new and better technology to trick people into thinking you’re a functioning human being.
If you’re drowning in emails, feeling a little less than sharp after the silly season or just want to chill out for a mo’, we’ve got the apps that will help you do it.
Stop lining up for coffee. Soothe your crying baby and indulge in a little light reading, you’ve earned it.
Remember when you subscribed to that obscure science journal which only covers breaking news about mould? No? Of course you don’t. But week in and week out they send you updates that make you eye your loofah suspiciously every time you’re in the shower.
Not anymore. Unroll.Me let’s you instantly see a list of all your subscription emails. Unsubscribe from the ones you don’t want and bundle the rest together into one mid-morning snackable subscription.
You know what takes up time? Queueing for stuff. You know who’s busy and important? You are.