
We trial the socially conscious nappy range that's less leaky and more comfy.

Thanks to our brand partner, Thankyou.

Fact of parenting: In your life, you will change thousands of nappies. You will witness poonamis of epic proportions. You will have to contort yourself into tiny spaces like aeroplane toilets and, as they say on Project Runway, just “make it work”.

Nappies will quite literally become your daily lifeline, of the same importance as your morning coffee (and the other 20 coffees you have daily) or your mobile phone.

So when you find one that works for your baby, you usually stick with it, right? But like anything in life, it’s important to shop around and put different brands to the test.

Today, we’re giving Thankyou nappies a go. They launched in July 2016, with their tab nappies and nappy pants designed to be really absorbent, soft, slimline and hypoallergenic.

And they’re not just about the design feats. Thankyou exists as a social enterprise that gives all of its profits to funding safe births and healthcare for disadvantaged mothers and babies worldwide. Since 2008, they’ve given $5.8 million to projects in 20 countries and raised funds for nearly 95,000 mums and babies in Nepal and Zimbabwe to get the access they need in that crucial period before and after birth.

Because they’re quite new, Thankyou says that only eight percent of parents have tried their nappies, making them “the best nappies Aussie parents haven’t tried”.

They’ve even made a promise to parents (on their website) that if the nappies don’t get your baby through the night, they’ll send you a box of Huggies instead. Whoa.


We got three mums from our Mamamia tribe to share their experiences:

Saengtip Kirk, sales strategist and mum of one, Sydney

Nappy on trial: Mover & Shaker (Toddler, 10-15kg)

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First of all, I love the black box and the monochrome design on the nappies. The simple fact that it’s not blue or pink (like most things in the world of baby) made Thankyou really stand out for me. I opened it to find a nice little note with a message that gave me a feel-good moment in my day. Finally, a baby brand that acknowledges parents too.


I put my uber-active, curious and wriggly toddler in Thankyou nappies all day and THANK YOU because there were no red marks on Hugo’s hip-crease or thighs. The nappy itself, including the elasticated sides, was soft and so stretchy but still worked hard to contain a poonami wave without leakage. This nappy went above and beyond its job in saving me from public embarrassment!

Please don’t hate me, but I have to confess that Hugo’s never had nappy rash (touch wood) because Huggies has always been my go-to nappy brand. I love trying other brands but I never found one with the right mix of soft, absorbent, good price, leak-proof and no red marks. And anyone with boys will agree with me that the front of the nappy can get really bulky, not to mention the overflow leak especially overnight.

After a long night in one nappy with a teething toddler who woke up about four times for comfort feeds, there was no bulky crotch. Same deal later in the day. Somehow, it’s like all the liquid was distributed evenly through the whole nappy. What magic is this? I love it.

Thank you, Thankyou nappies! You are my new favourite.

Emma McMillan, copywriter and mum of one, Melbourne

Nappy on trial: Trail-blazer (Walker, 15-18kg)


I’ll admit I was a little nervous about trying Thankyou nappies overnight. With a serious appetite for water and milk in the evenings, my little one has leaked through more times than I care to remember. So, I was fully prepared for wet pyjamas in the morning. Instead? When I popped my head into his bedroom, I found a happy, well-rested, completely dry baby.

While cost is certainly a factor when choosing nappies, I’m happy to pay for a quality product. Especially considering that with cheaper brands, I was doubling up each night anyway! I wanted to support the amazing work of Thankyou but wasn’t sure how their product would stand up against some of the more established nappy brands. Turns out, not only are the new nappy pants seriously absorbent, the fabric is super-soft, which must feel good on my little one’s skin.


Thankyou, you have outdone yourselves! A dry nappy at night means a comfy, sleeping toddler. It means less washing of sheets, pyjamas and sleeping bags (which take forever to dry in the cold weather!). But, most importantly, it means I can finally buy the brand I choose, helping to provide healthcare for mums and babies in need, without feeling like I’m compromising on quality. Looks like we’ll all be sleeping well at night from now on.

Edwina Carr-Barroclough, journalist and mum of one, Sydney

Nappy on trial: Mover & Shaker (Toddler, 10-15kg)


I’ve used the same nappies on my one-year-old daughter since the day she was born. The reason? As a parent, I’m decision-fatigued (just trying to find a pram among the 9475 options out there almost made my head explode), so I haven’t had the energy to try another brand, until now.

Having filled my trolley with other fabulous Thankyou products in the past (have you tried their hand soaps? Not sexy, I know, but damn they’re good), I was keen to see if their nappies lived up to the hype.

The cute monochrome design – a welcome break from the cutesy motifs on other nappies – and the fact that every carton of nappies sold helps to fund safe births and healthcare for women in need gets a big, loud round of applause from me.

Delightful bells and whistles aside, all I really want from a nappy are two very important things:

1) They don’t irritate my baby’s soft, delicious-smelling skin.

2) They keep non-delicious-smelling poonamis in their place (read: well well away from me). Nope, I’m not a fan of leakage.

Thankyou’s nappies pass the test. The result? A happy baby and an ecstatic mum.

The overall verdict: Thank you, Thankyou.

Have you tried this brand yet? What’s your go-to nappy brand and why? Share with us below.

This content was created with thanks to our brand partner Thankyou.

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