real life

The 17 best moments involving legendary kids in 2014: A countdown.

Ah, kids. They’ve had a big year, haven’t they?

From that little girl who had some brutally honest (yet hilarious) thoughts about death, to the kid who was a BOSS diva in the background of the news, to the toddlers who had an EPIC fight about the weather, we’ve got all the best moments here. (Including, of course, this year’s winner of all that is awesome: Apparently Kid.)

So here it is, the definitive countdown of the best moments involving legend kids in 2014:

17. The toddler who had a total break down when she found out that deleting a photo means it’s gone FOREVER.

Oh, the pain of accidentally deleting a photo. Relive it here.


16. The hardcore little girl who told off Gaston at Disney World for being a sexist pig.

He said girls belong in the kitchen. He should not have done that… Relive it here.


15. The little boy who learnt the entire final scene of Dirty Dancing – all the parts.

Nobody puts Charlie in the corner. Relive it here.


14. The man who secretly filmed your baby-related WORST NIGHTMARE happening on a plane.

His face says it all. Relive it here.


13. The baby who totally FREAKED OUT at this completely ordinary household object.

Every time he saw it, he could not even deal. Relive it here.



12. The kid who went ballistic when he found out his mum was having another baby.

He could not be less impressed with his mother’s reproductive choices. Relive it here.


11. The toddlers who had an epic, throw-down fight about the weather.

“YOU’RE NOT REAL. I’M REAL.” It gets intense. Relive it here.


10. The little girl who made a to-do list that basically revealed she was a psychopath.

“Hammer everything he loves.” Um, that’s… sweet? Relive it here.


9. The little girl who accidentally destroyed her Christmas present in less than 30 seconds.

She opened it. She loved it. Then it was… gone. Relive it here.


8. The boy who ran away from home and built a fort in a department store. FOR THREE DAYS.

He basically lived every kid’s dream. No biggie. Relive it here.


7. The little girl who LOST it when she found out her brother wasn’t going to be a baby forever.

She learned some hard truths that day. Some really really hard truths. Relive it here.



6. The boy who was filmed reacting to the worst birthday present of all time.

He tries SO hard to pretend to love it. Relive it here.



5. The mother who filmed herself trying to put her twins to bed.

It took so long she had to time-lapse it. The horror. THE HORROR. Relive it here.


4. The straightforward kid who shocked a newspaper with her brutally honest quote about death.

Isabella just tells it straight up like it is. Relive it here.


3. The absolute diva kid who DOMINATED the background of the local news.

He’s got no time for basic bitches. Just look at his unimpressed face. Relive it here.


2. The little girl who dropped a massive F-Bomb during the Ice Bucket Challenge.

She wasn’t expecting to be that cold, man. Relive it here.


1. The Apparently Kid.

His spontaneous appearance on local news was officially the best moment involving an awesome kid this year. Then he went on Ellen. Then he got his own commercial for dog food or something. Apparently. Relive it here. Apparently.






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