
12 women on their best heartbreak advice that's not 'give it time.'

As someone who has had their heart broken approximately 3,849 times, I consider myself an expert at heartbreak advice. Why? Because I've quite literally heard it all.

Of course, there is one cure that everyone knows about. The "give it time" antidote.

Yes, giving it time to get over a heartbreak does work BUT it's also not what someone wants to hear while they're going through it. Because giving it time requires you to have time and when you're heartbroken, you want to do something right this minute to get over this feeling of hurt.

So, I've asked 12 women to share their best advice on heartbreak (that isn't "give it time") so we call all be on the mend ASAP. Here's what they said...

Say yes to everything.

"Say yes to work opportunities, events, seeing friends, dinners, seeing family, getting out of your comfort zone. This doesn't mean date (I took four months off) but it means actually living when you feel up to it."

Make a list (check it twice).

"Make a list of things you didn't like about the person. We tend to romanticise and only remember the good stuff."

Re-watch Gossip Girl.

"My bestie said to me when my ex dumped me (I was soooo heartbroken I couldn't eat for five days) that we are going rewatch all of Gossip Girl and by the time we were done I'd be over him — it actually only took two seasons."

Watch: Horoscopes & Breakups. Post continues below.

Video via Mamamia.

Sit with your sadness.

"My mum used to tell me to sit with my sadness and figure out how much of it was actually just from being rejected rather than the relationship ending. Once I realised the majority of my sadness was because he didn't want me, I got over it pretty quickly!"

Forgive yourself.

"Forgive yourself and don't let anyone tell you that listening to sad music playlists is unhealthy."

Utilise your notes app.

"Your notes app is your best friend, write comforting thoughts down (AKA you never liked his sister) and reread them throughout the day."

Make a playlist.

"Make a playlist of songs that help you process your emotions like sadness and anger. Put it on, then cry or yell or whatever you need. Let it all out. I’d allow myself some 'sad time' every morning after breakfast, then I’d get on with my day without feeling all bottled up."

Do the things you want to do.

"Do all the things that you subconsciously (or consciously) stopped doing during the relationship! It helps you get back in touch with who you are and what you love as a solo individual. We often lose ourselves in relationships because you have to compromise when you’re partnered. Let loose and live life on your terms again!"

Get through the day.

"When I had my first heartbreak, I was so broken. I guess the advice a friend gave me was a different take on 'give it time'... He said 'Just get through every day and go to bed. The heart is amazing because every night it repairs itself little by little while you are asleep. You don’t need to do a thing'. It helped a lot!"


Allow your people to support you.

"This is not coming from a relationship breakup but heartbreak of losing a friend and someone close being diagnosed with a potentially fatal illness. Try not to push those close to you away, allow them to support, help and love you."


"It's good for your mental health, keeps you busy and distracted and you get a #glowup."

Imagine everything you say and do is being filmed.

"You have to stay focused very hard in the moment. It's too easy to go with the flow of the emotions of heartbreak and it's a slippery slope down to grovelling, begging, scratching for crumbs and evidences that you were loved by them once. Imagine everything you say and do is being filmed and think of your future self looking back at your behaviour."

And, of course I had to include this gem as well:

"Doom scroll on TikTok until you get on the tarot reading algorithm."

Hey, as long as it works.

If you want more culture opinions from Emily Vernem, you can follow her on Instagram @emilyvernem.

Feature image: Canva.

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