
'I'm a beauty editor and here are 4 skin treatments I recommend to my 60-year-old mum.'

Look, it's all a bit confusing. The whole skincare thing. Most of us folk just want to be told what works and what to spend our money on - especially when it comes to in-clinic treatments

Because there are so many choices! So many fancy names! 

As a beauty writer who talks to skin experts on the regular, I've tried many different treatments - some enjoyable, some... not so much, and along the way I've learnt which ones are helpful and useful not only for your overall skin health but also specific skin issues.

And there's no one in this world who likes to test my beauty knowledge more than my wee mum. 

Watch: What does a 'Carbon Facial' look and feel like? Amy Clark finds out. Post continues below.

Video via Mamamia

Over the years, I've helped steer her in the right direction when it comes to the best treatments for her 60-something-year-old skin.

Just on my mum's skin: She's struggled with rosacea for years - and has tried various topical products, with little results. She also has some of the standard skin issues a lot of 60-something women deal with - skin dullness, large pores, fine lines and uneven skin tone.

So I thought I'd give you a rundown on all the treatments I've recommended to her - the ones that have given her the best results.


Before we get into it, it's worth noting that because no two skin types are the same, everyone is going to have a different set of skin concerns and different set of treatments that are right for them. 

Mum goes to a qualified skin practitioner and has an in-depth skin consultation before jumping into any of these treatments - so it's always worth having your skin assessed by an expert. They'll be able to diagnose your skin and prescribe the best options available to you. 

In saying that, it's always fun and helpful having a perve into someone else's routine and knowing what other people swear by for best results.

Here are four treatments I recommend to my mum.

1. LED light therapy.

You might already be familiar with this one - LED light therapy. You know the one where they put a red light over your face? Yes, that's the one! 

It's one of those all-rounder treatments that can tackle everything from fine lines and wrinkles, redness and rosacea, to acne and sun damage - it's great for overall skin rejuvenation and improving your general skin quality. 

It basically works by delivering infrared wavelengths to the skin, increasing cellular activity and blood flow and promoting the production of collagen and elastin fibres.

LED treatments can be used on their own or combined with other facial treatments (like needling or peels), in order to ‘boost’ the skin rejuvenation results. Mum usually does this.


The frequency of treatments depends on your individual skin concerns and condition being treated, but a course of treatments will tend to give you the best results. 

When she first started out with LED, mum had a course of treatments to tackle her rosacea, but now goes for top-up treatments every now and then just to help manage it.

And I gotta say - this is the one treatment that has improved her rosacea dramatically. It's pretty much non-existent. Her skin tone is clearer, brighter and healthier.

The best part? It's quick (takes like 10 to 20 minutes) and involves no downtime.

Having regular LED treatments can obviously end up pricey AF, so I also suggested an at-home LED mask to mum - and I don't want to brag, but I'm now her favourite child.

She currently uses an Omnilux LED Therapy Mask - these are also expensive, but if you use it consistently, then it's worth the splurge.

2. BBL photo rejuvenation.

Not to be confused with the Brazilian Butt Lift, BroadBand Light (also known as BBL) is the most powerful form of intense pulsed light (IPL) and can be used to treat skin conditions associated with ageing and sun damage.

It might just sound like a whole bunch of confusing acronyms (and it is!), but BBL is another great treatment for vascular skin conditions such as rosacea and redness, as well as acne and uneven skin tone, so it's another one of mum's go-to treatments.

It basically works by selectively heating the upper layers of the skin to stimulate and regenerate the skin's cells, giving them a little nudge. The light penetrates the skin's tissue and is absorbed either by blood vessels (broken capillaries) or melanin (dark spots and pigmentation) and damages it. 


Now, this is the impressive bit - the body then responds by removing the damaged tissue, leaving the skin more even and rejuvenated. 

How cool is that?

Similar to LED, BBL can be combined with other treatments, and usually a course of three to five treatments will give you the best results.

After undergoing this treatment, mum's rosacea has not only improved (thanks to a combo of LED, too), but she said she's also noticed an improvement in the appearance of her pores and the overall texture and tone of her skin.

3. Microneedling.

Mum rates laxity and the loss of collagen as one of her chief skin concerns alongside rosacea - so I recently hit up Dr Imaan Joshi from Skin Essentials for her top tips.

She told me collagen depletes by up to 30 per cent in the five years around menopause, and that many women are often shocked at how quickly they begin to lose laxity in their face. 

The good news? If it's something you're concerned about (like mum), there are some treatments that will help. As with most ageing skin concerns, prevention is always better than a cure.

Dr Joshi told me, "The most important step is collagen induction and replacement because collagen equals healthy, plump skin that lasts for years, holds up well to injury and maintains skin integrity." 

"I use it as one of the last steps because unlike (other) injectables it takes time to begin to make your own collagen and is not a quick fix."


So, wait - what is collagen induction therapy (CIT)? 

Good question!

Collagen induction therapy is also known as microneedling or skin needling and is basically a procedure that involves puncturing the skin with micro-needles (sounds terrifying - but promise it's not!) to stimulate new collagen and elastin formation.

It's an effective treatment that produces amazing results when it comes to pore size reduction, skin tightening and overall rejuvenation. Again, a course of treatments will probably give you the best results - but it's best to have your skin assessed by an expert.

4. Laser rejuvenation.

Another non-invasive treatment I recommend to my mum when it comes to collagen production? Laser rejuvenation treatments like Laser Genesis.

It uses a specific technology to gently heat the underlying skin (dermis) and increase the stimulation of that glorious collagen. Cue better skin tone and texture. 

The best part? While the whole burning-layers-off-your-skin thing sounds pretty hectic, it's actually a lunchtime procedure and can also be used on different areas - including the chest and neck.

So, there we have it! Four treatments I always recommend to my mum.

Have you had any of the above treatments before? What's your favourite? Share with us in the comment section below.

Feature image: Supplied/Mamamia.

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