
'I'm a cosmetic doctor. Here are 7 treatments I would prioritise on a budget.'

The world of cosmetics treatments is a crowded mess. It's loud. Scary. And really tricky to know what's actually worth your money. 

And in times like this (see: current financial crisis), you really just want — nay, need — someone to tell you exactly what treatments you should bother spending on (and what ones you should ditch).

But that's why you've got us.

Watch: Curiosity got the better of us! Renny asked Dr Naomi McCullum, a cosmetic physician who runs a luxury clinic called The Manse, everything she'd do to her face. Post continues below.

Video via Mamamia

We asked a cosmetic doctor to tell us the best cosmetic treatments to prioritise on a budget. 

And guess what? He told us! How good.

His name is Dr Stephen Crimston, and he's a Sydney-based cosmetic doctor from All Saint Clinic

He said the key to prioritising skin and cosmetic treatments on a budget, is to "focus on procedures that provide the most significant benefits and long-term results for your specific concerns."

And yes, he shared which ones.


Below, Dr Crimston told us the most cost-effective treatments that you might consider prioritising if you still want to dabble in cosmetic treatments (and skincare) but would like to save some money.

But before we get into it, we just want to make it really clear that beauty is a 'you do you' space. We're not suggesting anyone 'needs' cosmetic treatments. Or skincare. Or anything, for that matter. 

However, if you're someone who dabbles in cosmetic treatments, or if you're just a little bit curious about where you can skimp to save, this one's for you.

1. Daily skincare routine.

Fact: there's no point in spending all your money on pricey treatments only to neglect your skin and not put in the work at home. That's just silly!

As Dr Crimston said, your skincare routine doesn't have to be complicated or expensive (psst... take a look at some of the 'boring' skincare experts recommend) — there are just a few key steps you need to stay on top of.

"Invest in a good skincare routine that includes a gentle cleanser, moisturiser, sunscreen, and products targeting your specific skin concerns (eg, acne, ageing, hyperpigmentation)," he said.

"Consistent use of quality skincare can make a significant difference in your skin's health and appearance."

Makes sense!

2. Facials.

But... which ones? We hear you yell. 

While there are many different types of facial treatments on the market, most experts will agree that often a combination of laser and LED treatments and peels will give you the best results, depending on what concerns you're aiming to tackle. 


"Modern facials often incorporate non-ablative lasers, and light chemical peels that are effective for exfoliating the skin, improving texture, hydrating, and addressing mild hyperpigmentation," said Dr Crimston.

You'll most likely have to do a series of treatments (again, dependent on your individual skin), but the results in your skin's overall health are usually pretty significant when it comes to tone, texture and radiance.

As Dr Crimston added, "They can be less expensive than other treatments and offer noticeable results with a series of treatments."

3. Biomodulators.

Bio... what? Sounds like a school science project, but basically biomodulators are injectable skin treatments that work by kick-starting collagen and elastin production — the two things responsible for smooth, plump skin.

According to Dr Crimston, biomodulator treatments are actually one of the most popular procedures getting around right now — and for good reason. 

As he explained, "This dual action of intense hydration and tissue repair creates a natural-looking lift and tightening effect, reducing fine lines and wrinkles."

He also said the procedure is quick and involves no downtime. 

"It is a good all-rounder for improving the appearance of the skin and the effect can last over a year."

4. Long-lasting dermal fillers.

"Dermal fillers can be relatively more expensive up front," explained Dr Crimston, "but certain long-lasting fillers can provide results for up to two years or more. 


Used to address wrinkles, fine lines, and volume loss in the face, long-lasting dermal fillers can target common concerns with minimal upkeep.

As with all cosmetic treatments, we strongly advise doing your research before jumping into anything, as well as chatting with an experienced professional to, to see if this kind of treatment is right for you. 

5. Anti-wrinkle injections.

While fillers work to replace volume, anti-wrinkle injections can be used to soften lines and wrinkles. 

"They are an effective way to reduce the appearance of dynamic wrinkles (wrinkles caused by facial muscle movement) and over repeated sessions, static wrinkles (those wrinkles that tend to be there when the facial muscles are at rest)," said Dr Crimston.

While it's a temporary treatment, Dr Crimston added that the results can last for several months.

6. Lifestyle factors. 

Not technically a treatment, we know, but it's just as important. 

This includes prioritising lifestyle habits that promote skin health, said Dr Crimston, such as "staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and avoiding excessive sun exposure."

The usual suspects!

7. Consultations and professional advice.

As we mentioned earlier, before jumping into anything or investing in any treatment, it's important to consider having a consultation with an experienced aesthetic doctor. 


"They can help you understand your skin's specific needs and recommend suitable, cost-effective treatments that will help you reach your goals," said Dr Crimston.

He added that seeing an experienced professional will also help you avoid undergoing unnecessary or excessive treatments — because saving money on cosmetic treatments doesn't mean you should undergo unnecessary procedures or 'overdo' treatments. 

"It's crucial to choose procedures that truly address your concerns and avoid excessive treatments that might harm your skin or appearance."

"Remember, the effectiveness of each treatment can vary depending on individual skin types and concerns. Always prioritise safety and consult with a qualified professional before undergoing any cosmetic procedure."

"Additionally, be cautious of heavily discounted or DIY treatments that might lack professional oversight, as they can potentially cause harm."

Because if it sounds too good to be true... it probably is.

If you're looking to extend your savings into the rest of your beauty routine (we're with you!), a makeup artist told us where to save money on makeup, and You Beauty Collective member Hannah Rabbitt shares the five ways to spend less on products.

Have you tried any of the above? Where are you saving money when it comes to cosmetic treatments and what are you doing instead? Share with us in the comment section below.

Feature image: Getty/Mamamia.

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