
The only 7 apps that everyone needs in their life.

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I’ll put my hand up and say that I am more than happy to have been born in modern times. We are so lucky to have almost everyone we know and every service we need, literally at our fingertips.

If I want to order a take-out dinner, I’ve got an app for that. If I need to check the weather and see if need to take a jacket with me, I can find out with a push of a button. And even though this sounds rudimentary, I can still remember when we had to call a telephone exchange to find out the EXACT time – but now we simply turn on our phones.

There’s an app for that.

There are, however, some apps that aren’t just fancy and fun, they are life and time saving. Especially as a parent. Let me tell you about my personal top seven:

1. Cozi Family Planner.

This is not just any old calendar. This is a shareable calendar (and get this, also a shared grocery list) between parents. This app is amazing especially if, like most families, you need to coordinate events and share requests for grocery buys. Only the people you share the app with have access and it really leaves no excuse for either parent to forget parent teacher night or the toilet paper…

Get it here.

“This app is amazing especially if, like most families, you need to coordinate events and share requests for grocery buys.”

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by the Australian Government Department of Human Services, but all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.

2. 7-Minute Workout.

I know, I know, it’s almost impossible to find time to get in some exercise but really, WHO doesn’t have seven minutes? This is a wonderful way to incorporate some easy exercise into your day. No one even has to know you’re doing it. Start slow and before you know it, you’ll be craving it in your day.

Get it here.

3. Your bank app of choice.

All the major banks in Australia now have an app for mobile banking. Not only is this handy to check balances and transactions, it’s also great to pay others on the spot, especially when you find yourself in one of those ‘split the bill’ situations.

4. Express Plus mobile apps.

There is a new app that allows you to perform a number of necessary parental duties, all in the same spot. The Express Plus Centrelink mobile app allows you to update your personal details, child’s details, family income estimate, request an income statement and even apply for an advance payment. It’s all there in one easy and convenient app.


Get it here.

5. Menulog.

This is one of my best finds. On Friday nights we like to treat ourselves to takeout but often, we can’t be bothered heading out to do so. Menulog is an easy app that shows you all the participating restaurants in your local area that are willing to deliver or have you pick up and it represents all kinds of cuisines. You can pay securely over this app and can have it delivered to your door with no fuss.

Get it here.

“You can pay securely over this app and can have it delivered to your door with no fuss.”

6. Argus.

Like a FitBit for your phone. The Argus app monitors the amount of steps you take a day, maps your route when you run and even reminds you to drink water. It’s completely free and keeps me in check.

Get it here.

7. Instagram.

I know this sounds like a no-brainer but Instagram isn’t all about hipsters and people sharing their quinoa breakfast with the world. It’s about preserving memories and sharing pictures with people you love. This is one of the best apps to keep those photos around forever (and add a few flattering filters if you know what I mean).

Get it here.

What app can you not live without?

We present without comments, celebrity apps. The Good, The Bad, The Cringe-y…


Want more? How about:

The baby name app that tells you what your parents would’ve called you today.

Exactly what is the deal with the iPhone typing indicator bubbles?

Samsung’s perfect response to iPhone bend gate.


The easiest way for you to complete most of your business with the Department of Human Services is to go online.

You can do most of your Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support business using one of our mobile apps or online accounts through myGov.

Make more time and jump online today.

More information can be found at


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