
Best and worst: how's your week been?

This is Shelley Argent, kind of a personal hero of mine.

Welcome regulars and new folk, welcome to the post that ties us all together.

From Broome to Brisbane and Blacktown to Toorak I think we can all agree our weeks have been filled with the peaks and troughs of life, the universe and everything. (And no, I will never stop quoting Douglas Adams. Never!)

I’ve had a bit of a bizarre week, and a fun one, so I’ve taken the reins for this post and I’ll fill you in on what’s been and gone.

Best: I’ve had a few! On Wednesday night I attended an Australian Marriage Equality briefing with the delightful organiser Alex Greenwich. He’s been working with a dedicated team of tireless individuals like mother of gay son Shelley Argent who campaigns with Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). It’s easy to drift in and out of these kinds of things but these guys are piling on the hours on top of their day jobs to make sure, one day, Australia brings about equality. Of course I have a ‘vested interest’ but given community support, I think it’s only increasingly becoming an issue we all want to see resolved, and quickly. That is, marriage equality. For all of us.

Incidentally the function was held right next door to another. I walked up the stairs and the sign said ‘Marriage Equality’ straight ahead and, to the left, another sign ‘Former Coalition Staffers’. Former Howard Government staffers were having a few social drinks right next door. I laughed, and then we had drinks with a few of them afterwards who were quite on board. The world is a funny old place.

For the record, the biggest protest march yet for marriage equality is planned on December 3 to coincide with the Labor Party vote at the National Conference. If you’re around that day, block out the morning / early afternoon and join us! I’ll be posting more about this closer to the date.


Other Best: I had my first ever massage! Which started out as a daunting experience because I found out during the day I had to take my pants off. Nat had to be the one to break the news to me. “Ummm, yes,” she said. “But not your underwear!”

Small mercies.

But in all seriousness, holy wow! I went to the Old Shanghai Massage House on Oxford Street in Sydney and, despite being busier than a one armed feather stacker in a windstorm, it was an hour of bliss. I fear now it might be a little bit like an addiction and I will spend all my money on massages. Hey, I do work at a computer all day…

On My Mind: I’m flying back home halfway through next week for my younger sister’s Year 12 formal and graduation. It’s so hard to believe this is her last year of school! Eeek. I’m not a father but she’s seven years younger and I like to think (in my later years at least) I’ve been something of a mentor to her. Oh time, you move so very forward.

To take us out today, I’m still giggling at this. Did you catch the ‘Greens Exposed’ on the Hamster Wheel on Wednesday?


How’s your week been? Tell us the highs and the lows and the MM community will be there listening.

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